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Some examples of building reactive API's based on Spring Reactor, OpenAPI and other modern technologies

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Reactive Application Reference Implementation

graph LR
    A[OpenAPI] -->|Contract| C(Reactive API)
    B[BDD] --> |Smoke Tests| C(Reactive API)
    C -->|Persistence| E[(MongoDB)]
    E -->|Producer| G([Spring DomainEvent])
    G -->|Subscriber| H([Spring DomainEvent])

OpenAPI/BDD/Spring Reactor/MongoDB/Spring Domain Events (and a little magic)

A reference application that shows some real world hacks and tricks needed to make some of the cooler tech work in real world situations. As far as the app goes, it's a simple Reactive CRUD application developed using OpenAPI that demonstrates how you might use NoSQL DB (MongoDB), spring domain messaging, BDD and a bunch of other useful stuff.

The Technology

To name a few...


To compile & run, you'll need...

OpenAPI - An API-First Approach

This project utilizes the OpenAPITools generator to create the base of the application. Based on the OpenAPI 3.0 spec located in src/main/resources/openapi.yaml and a simple configuration in the pom.xml we create...

  • All of the DTO models
  • The controller, API and delegate classes
  • Documentation endpoint

By running

mvn compile

You can see the code generated in target/generated-sources/. This code will handle most of the plumbing, so you can focus on the implementation.

In this case, all you need to do is create a delegate implementation (see com.wickedagile.apis.reference.reactoropenapi.api.VendorAPIDelegateImpl in the generated sources directory). The reference implementation can be found at src/main/java/com/wickedagile/apis/reference/reactoropenapi/api/

90% of the plumbing you need is generated by this process. We do create some domain objects to map these, but in an ideal world these would be generated as well.

To learn more about generation, check out...

You can switch back and forth from a reactive project to standard blocking API's by changing <reactive>true</reactive> to false. You will need to change the Delegate implementation when swapping back/forth, though.


The default database name is reactiveOpenAPIMongo, port 27017 on localhost and isn't password protected. You can change any of this in the application.yml.

Check out our MongoDB docs for more information on configuration.

For testing, we're using an in-memory version of MongoDB so there's really nothing to do either.

If you don't want to install MongoDB or use Atlas, you can actually use the in memory version of MongoDB by simply removing <scope>test</scope> from the de.flapdoodle.embed dependency in the pom file

Because we wanted to hook into change events from the repository to create and broadcast "domain" events, we had to hardcode in MongoDB to the app. This is because we ran into issues with DomainEvents and some of the other generic ways of capturing changes. Mostly due to bugs between Lombok, Spring Data, etc...

This means that if you want to change DB's, you'll need to change...

There's not a lot of code and what is there is pretty generic (and many other Spring Data implementations have). In a perfect world, we would have 0 code changes, but the things about using the latest and greatest of each means interopability you might have found in older version gets a bit tricky.


Out of the box, we're using Spring Domain Events which aren't durable, but don't require configuring something else.

These local events are easy to use and can be published/consumed without explicitly linking our code (e.g. method chaining). Now these events ARE NOT durable and if the publisher throws an exception the subscribers will never know :( which means...

Be smart about using this option. If you need truly durable change events, would recommend looking at the Change Feed options from your cloud providers - almost every provider has these now for every DB (Sql or not)

The simple example of an internal processor is src/main/java/com/wickedagile/apis/reference/reactoropenapi/event/ which literally just logs the messages it receives, and although there are some better auditing mechanisms available, the idea was to just showcase one potential use case for why you might want an internal event processor.

If you're interested in expanding to Kafka (or Azure Event Hubs, RabbitMQ, GCP Pub/Sub or AWS Kinesis) please check out docs/ The implementation is based on Spring Cloud Streams Binder solution, which makes it easy to switch providers without changing code (just config).

Running the Application

For running (make sure mongodb is started), just execute...

mvn clean spring-boot:run

If it works, you should be able to go to http://localhost:8080/docs and see the docs for the API's. The "Try It Out" feature will let you experiment with the API's and you can check the log (in logs/) or STDOUT to check out the messages firing.

How it Works

This reference uses a few different techniques to minimize code (and improve quality).

Shifting Left

Before a line of code is written, we've included a bunch of quality and security into the project to ensure that from the first lines of code written, we are keeping things clean and secure.

  • Checkstyle (Google Java Style) - combines aesthetic and coding conventions that make code easier to read and merge across the team
  • Maven Enforcer - keeps your dependencies clean (e.g. duplicates, competing versions, etc...)
  • OWASP Dependency Check - see what vulnerabilities the libraries you're using have
  • Spotbugs - Open source static analysis for Java code combined with Find Security Bugs for security audits and fb-contrib for some auxiliary audits.
  • PMD/CPD - Another static analyzer focused on things like unused variables/imports, empty catch blocks and other bad (or hacky) practices.
  • JaCoCo - Code coverage that looks at our BDD & JUnit reports to make sure we're testing our code. Alternative here is OpenClover, but JaCoCo seems to be the goto in a lot of orgs these days (been around longer)

These are all configured in pom.xml, and although some of these are run during the test phase, you can get detailed reporting by...

mvn clean verify

will tell you if there are any errors and...

mvn clean site

Will provide a full report, you can see it by going to target/site/index.html in your browser and checkout the what's under the "Project Reports" section.


It's recommended you configure you editor to use checkstyle, for rules you don't agree with you can just update your checkstyle-suppressions.xml. Recommendation is to keep this to a minimum, though, since the editor plugin will automatically correct most issues.

Maven Enforcer

This is one of the reasons our dependencyManagement in the pom is so big and also why we have exclusions with the Spring Webflux depdency. This doesn't just check our primary dependencies for collision, it checks their dependencies as well. The potential issues can be negligible from this, but do you really want to find out the hard way?

This can lead to a lot of cruft in the pom file, though, and can make upgrading versions a bit messy, so you need to be really thoughtful here and decide what works best for your team.

OWASP Dependency Check

Why wait till your Veracode or Blackduck scan is complete to find out you need to change or upgrade a dependency?

To fix the issues, you have two options (well three)...

  • Upgrade the lib to a secure version, by adding it to the dependencyManagement in the pom.xml
  • Add it to the excludes (just ignores the problem) spotbugs-exclude.xml
  • Find a different (secure) library - not always easy/reccomended

Spotbugs & PMD/CPD

Why waste time on catching things in your manual code reviews, these, combined with some other plugins will pretty much guarantee a pass from analyzers like Sonarqube and in combination with the other plugins will have you some pretty clean code in your pull requests.

For those that you just don't want to deal with, spotbugs-exclude.xml is there to override. &


Wonder how much of your code is being tested? If you're doing BDD/TDD right this should be a no brainer.
I'm a strong believer in functional testing over unit and if done right, your code coverage should be right, since functional tests should flex the muscle of most of your code. If it's not, two things...

  • You've written code you didn't need to
  • Your missing some test cases

To see the report, you have two options...

  1. mvn site will give you the full set of reports, you just need to open up target/site/project-reports.html
  2. mvn test jacoco:report will generate the stand alone report in target/site/jacoco/index.html


For our tests we use a BDD style (Gherkin) approach with BDD For All.
Focused on some positive and negative smoke tests, we make sure that our application is functioning as expected before we write a line of code. This is done quite simply by...

  1. Creating a test runner src/test/java/ responsible for starting up the spring app and executing the feature files
  2. Then you'll need add some configuration src/test/resources/application.yml, this will be pretty much be the same for most implementations. It sets the server/port, but you can do a lot in this.
  3. Finally, you'll need one or more feature files. These are currently found in src/test/resources/features

After running tests, you can see the full report in target/cucumber/cucumber-html-reports/overview-features.html

Creative Component Testing

In addition to executing the functional tests, we also "hook" into the eventing framework to see if we're generating the number of events we'd expect from all these CRUD requests. This is done via the src/test/java/com/wickedagile/apis/reference/reactoropenapi/event/ class. We simply collect the events (and their types) and match them against an expected output.

This allows us to write a lot less test code, but test important functionality as part of our functional tests since we're still trying to figure out how BDD and Event Driven Architectures can place nicely.

Recommend reviewing the user guide - - as BDD For All can do a lot and to put in perspective, the better your BDD tests are, the better your code coverage will be, which means less Unit tests (Yay!).

Some More Background

There's a lot happening in here, so want to make sure I cover some more features...

Reactive Data Repositories

You can't be a true reactive (or streaming) application if you block. One of the hardest part of designing transactional systems in a "reactive" environment is that you have to deal with data sources.

Datastores traditionally were designed to block (e.g. request -> wait <- respond), but between a multitude of vendors (including our friends @ MongoDB) and Spring, they've made this pretty easy to do and since there are better writers than me documenting this stuff, and really "reactive repositories" are just JPA on steroids.

Need more detail on reactive repositories? Go visit

All that aside, I will mention here that we made our code specific to Mongo with two classes, something I didn't want to do, but had to even though the code is pretty easy to tweak. These classes are...

Now, in a perfect world we would have used a generic type, which would allow us to switch between DB's easily with just configuration changes. But the world isn't perfect and we needed to make this work. To this end, we used the Vendor specific implementations so we could capture the change (insert/update/delete/view) events. Check out the comments in RepositoryListener for more on why.

Final word - Don't ever block a Mono or Flux, a lot of first timers try to work with these objects like they're normal Java POJO's. They're not. Do some homework before attempting at home!

Centralized Exception Handling

Now the folks at Baeldung might disagree with our approach, but when building enterprise software, centralizing anything is usually super helpful. It's for this reason we used the @ControllerAdvice option for error handling.

You can check out src/main/java/com/wickedagile/apis/reference/reactoropenapi/domain/exception/ for more detail, but it's really simple...

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;

public class MyExceptionHandler {

  public ResponseEntity myHandlerMethod(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
    return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)

The important parts of the code are the annotations. First, we have @ControllerAdvice, and this just tells Spring that we may have some code to execute should certain situations arise (e.g. exception).

The next annotation is the @ExceptionHandler one, and for this we provide an exception (e.g. IllegalArgumentException).
All this does is tell Spring that any time an IllegalArgumentException is thrown by any controller, catch it and do this.

Now the argument to use something like ResponseStatusException is that you can standardize the exception response and provide engineers more control over the handling itself. I find in most cases this is theory, not the reality. The security of ensuring your capturing exceptions from everywhere vs leaving it up to someone who is in a rush to deliver a feature, seems like a bigger problem.

The End Goal

I don't necessarily believe that reference implementations like this work well if you're just trying to pull code to get something to work or fork and try to modify for your own API spec. My overall goal is to turn this into a Maven Archetype before Spring deprecates the code :)

If you want to help, ping me.


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