- NodeJS 9.0.0
- yarn 1.3.2
- git
- heroku (if using for deployment)
C:\Users\mike> git clone git@github.com:mikeq/cheetobot.git
C:\Users\mike> cd cheetobot
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> yarn
Create an account on Heroku if you do not already have one
yarn global add heroku-cli
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials:
Email: example@example.com
Password: ************
Logged in as example@example.com
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku create
Creating app... done, calm-caverns-70820
https://calm-caverns-70820.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/calm-caverns-70820.git
Heroku will create a randomly named app
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox
Creating mongolab:sandbox on calm-caverns-70820... free
Welcome to mLab. Your new subscription is being created and will be available shortly. Please consult the mLab Add-on Admin UI to check on its progress.
Created mongolab-cubic-53817 as MONGODB_URI
Use heroku addons:docs mongolab to view documentation
Heroku automatically creates an environment variable that points to the mongoDB uri. You can see this in the settings page on the application page on the heroku site, or from the command line
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku config
=== calm-caverns-70820 Config Vars
MONGODB_URI: mongodb://heroku_h2c97z7v:duts8vm0o0n849puqvdaura72k@ds257495.mlab.com:57495/heroku_h2c97z7v
Click the mLab MongoDB link, on the mLab page add a database user
Back on the command line add the user/password you set as environment variables
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku config:set mongouser=youruser
Setting mongouser and restarting calm-caverns-70820... done, v4
mongouser: youruser
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku config:set mongopass=yourpass
Setting mongopass and restarting calm-caverns-70820... done, v4
mongouser: yourpass
Your heroku application now has the ability to connect to the mLab MongoDB database
Go to your applications page on slack. Create a new app
Choose a name for your app and the Workspace to install it to.
Give your bot a display name and default username, then click "Add Bot User"
You will then have a Bot User OAuth Access token generated, copy this value
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku config:set token=xoxb-271523841441-nntmjf38fxWC5eGteRkQrjdH
Setting token and restarting calm-caverns-70820... done, v6
token: xoxb-271523841441-nntmjf38fxWC5eGteRkQrjdH
You should have the following set.
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku config
=== calm-caverns-70820 Config Vars
MONGODB_URI: mongodb://heroku_h2c97z7v:duts8vm0o0n849puqvdaura72k@ds257495.mlab.com:57495/heroku_h2c97z7v
mongopass: yourpass
mongouser: youruser
token: xoxb-271523841441-nntmjf38fxWC5eGteRkQrjdH
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> git push heroku master
This will push the code, build and deploy it.
The bot does not require the default 'web' heroku service to run, so disable that and run the 'worker' service
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku ps:scale web=0
Scaling dynos... done, now running web at 0:Free
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku ps:scale worker=1
Scaling dynos... done, now running worker at 1:Free
You can check what 'dynos' are running
C:\Users\mike\cheetobot> heroku ps
Free dyno hours quota remaining this month: 898h 19m (89%)
For more information on dyno sleeping and how to upgrade, see:
=== worker (Free): yarn bot (1)
worker.1: up 2017/11/14 13:35:56 +0000 (~ 1h ago)
Your bot should now appear active in Slack (mybot in my case)
Invite the bot into the channel, then test with an expletive /invite @mybot
If all goes well then the bot should respond