Hello my fellow developer
As I can tell you have reached the bottom of GitHub, but do not fear my friend I will guide you through my cave.
- ⌨️ What's my stack you may ask? Sending memes in slack is my main weapon. In addition of that I speak:
- Java - Spring, Processing, Hybris
- C++ - Unreal Engine
- Rust - Actix, Rocket, GraphQL
- TypeScript - React, Vue, Node, Express, GraphQL, WebDriver
- Databases - MySQL, Postgresql
- JavaScript - JQuery still rocks
- C# - Unity
- Testing - webdriver, cucumber, selenium
- And other latin languages
- 📁 Do I have my personal projects? Yes, why would I have a GitHub account then. I'm currently working on:
- 🤺 Erbium - 3rd person physic based character for Unity. It was my final project of the University and I really need to rewrite some code there
- 🍜Cookingd - cookingd cooking journal website simillar to letterboxd. Made with Rust, GraphQL, Postgres, Vue
- 📻 SpotifyParty - creating some crazy ass web app for Spotify using Express, React, GraphQL, Postgresql and all in TypeScript
- 🎮 Jet Hawk - game created in 2 days for Mix and Game Jam (2020) with Unity
- 📦 UE4 Marching cube - 3D perlin noise generator for Unreal Engine written in C++
- 🤏🏻 I also have some sm0ll projects:
- ⭕🔫 SphereTrace RayMarching - while learning progamming I implemented ray marching using processing
- 🌪️ Windmill - grapical representation of the windmill math problem using once again processing
- 📁 Relative Path - C++ equivalent of the getRelativePath() from dotNet
- 👩🏼💻 Cipher saber decryptor - Cipher saber RC4 decryptor in C++
- 🧊Blender material collector - Small script for blender to assing all materials in the scene to one object for batch operations
Btw I also have 🖥️ my dotfiles
"Wow, that was an experience, thank you Misha!" - you because you are very kind