Hunt through MFT files in CSV format is used to hunt through bunch of MFT files in CSV format in an attempt to spot quick anomalies, the script currently has 2 hunt methods:
Calcualte similiraty between two execuatable names (levenshtein distance) to spot if a malicious exe/process is mirroring a legitmate one Ex: (svchost,svch0st).
It works by comparing the levenshtein distance between all exe records in the given MFT files against a dictionary of clean windows filenames and output the results based on the distance value specified.
Dump out all duplicate executable names that are located in mutiple directories after removing some common false positives.
Ex: (C:\WlNDOWS\system32\svchost.exe, C:\WlNDOWS\svchost.exe)
Note: MFT CSV files used are generated/parsed by Eric Zimmerman's known tool (MFTECmd) which is located here
the script requires pandas & levenshtein(0.11.2) python modules, you can install them using the requirements file
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Usage: -m [method_number] [options]
-m [1,2], --method [1,2] hunt method, specify 1 for Levenshtein distance (measure similarity between two executables)
specify 2 for checking all duplicate executables located in different directories
-h, --help Show this help
-p, --path specify the folder path which contain MFT files in CSV format
-d, --distance mandatory for method = 1, specify the Levenshtein distance, a value of 1 is recommended
Examples: -m 1 -p /home/MFT/ -d 1 -m 2 -p /home/MFT/
Ex1: hunt method = 1 and distance = 1
python3 -m 1 -p /home/MFT/ -d 1
Please wait ... it might take a while, depending on the the Size of your MFT files
legitimate Files Suspicious Files
0 ----------------- ----------------
1 'convert.exe' 'lconvert.exe'
2 'cscript.exe' 'Rscript.exe'
3 'jsc.exe' 'jmc.exe'
4 'drvinst.exe' 'drv_inst.exe'
5 'fc.exe' 'lc.exe'
6 'fsutil.exe' 'dfsutil.exe'
7 'ksetup.exe' 'setup.exe'
- 8 'explorer.exe' 'expl0rer.exe'
9 'ksetup.exe' 'RSetup.exe'
Ex2: hunt method = 2
python3 -m 2 -p /home/MFT/
Please wait ... it might take a while, depending on the the Size of your MFT files
('winresume.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('winresume.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32\\Boot')
('winrs.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('winrs.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('winrshost.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('winrshost.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('winver.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('winver.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('wordpad.exe', '.\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows NT\\Accessories')
('wordpad.exe', '.\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories')
- ('explorer.exe', '.\\Windows')
- ('explorer.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32\\explorer.exe')
('explorer.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('wowreg32.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('wowreg32.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('write.exe', '.\\Windows')
('write.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('write.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')
('wscript.exe', '.\\Windows\\SysWOW64')
('wscript.exe', '.\\Windows\\System32')