This application will allow you to make backups (Full Images) of your AWS EC2 Instances. Just set this up and add a tag in the instance with the name "backup" and that's it.
- Apache 2.4
- PHP 5.6
- OpenSSL
- Composer
- AWS API Credentials
- This application was created using Laravel 5.1. If you want to extend it please go to ( for more info.
- The ec2InstanceBackup/general/httpd folder is something that you can delete. It's there only if you want to setup this in multiple AWS instances with autoscaling groups.
git clone
Go inside of the main folder:
cd ec2InstanceBackup/
cd app
composer update
cd app
cp -rp .env.example .env
chmod -R 777 app/storage
chmod -R 777 app/bootstrap/cache
cd app
php artisan key:generate
With an editor open the file app/.env and the following credentials:
AWS_REGION=your_region_here (default: us-east-1)
You have the API's available from your browser:
This api will create one full backup (Full Image) everyday for each instance that has the tag with the name "backup".
This api will delete the backups (deregister the Image) when it's more than X days old (default: 7 days).
{open the file} = app/config/api.php
'awsImageDateFrom' => '20160101' (avoid deleting your custom images)
'awsImageDay' => 7 (days that you want to keep the backup)
'awsInstanceTag' => 'backup' (the tag searched in the instance)
If you want this to run automatically, there's a cron job setup already provided. You will need to edit the $url and $path of your installation.
- Edit this file: general/cron/ You can setup this file in your crontab as required or (if you're lazy, go to the step #2).
- Edit the path of your local server in this file: general/cron/set/
0 1 * * * {edit_here_path_to_your_installation}/general/cron/
- 2.1 After your edit the file just run:
Send me an email to minorsolis(at)