podcast-downloader is a simple script to download podcast files to a custom directory. Files are renamed like YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS - Podcast title.ext
First add a new podcast to follow :
podcast-downloader add --url="http://example.com/rss.xml" --name="My awesome podcast"
This command will create your config and database file in ~/.config/podcast-downloader/podcast-downloader.sqlite3. I have removed the podcast-downloader.cfg
to have only one file to manage. The database has no password, so you can access it with any compatible client.
You can check with podcast-downloader dump-config
Add as many podcasts as you want.
Start the downloads by starting the program without arguments. podcast-downloader
Beware of running web server through podcast-downloader web
instead of flask, or at least, start podcast-downloader
without arguments after an upgrade, to ensure database is correctly updated
You can configure the app through the web server. It uses internal python's web server AND MUST NOT BE SET AS WORLDWIDE ACCESSIBLE ! There is no security set, no password protection, and it should easily used to download mallicious files on your computer.
There is a podcast-downlader-web.bat
and a podcast-downlader-web.sh
as helper to start web server
A player is available in History. Loads the local file if available (useful if it has been deleted from source), or redirects to origin URL if not downloaded/removed/renamed.
You need these packages to have this script work. Install it either via your distribution packages or pip:
- requests
- datefinder
- validators
- feedparser
- Flask
- regex
- dateutil
- Pillow
- flask-login
Example for Fedora 40:
sudo dnf install python3-requests python3-validators python3-feedparser python3-flask python3-regex python3-dateutil python3-willow python3-pillow python3-flask-login python3-bcrypt
pip install datefinder
Example for Debian 11:
sudo apt install python3-requests python3-validators python3-feedparser python3-flask python3-regex python3-dateutil python3-willow python3-flask-login python3-bcrypt
pip install datefinder
All can be installed via pip:
pip install datefinder requests validators feedparser Flask regex dateutil Pillow flask-login bcrypt
pip install -r requirements.txt
All --id= paramteres can be either "id" or "uuid". UUID may disapear sometime. It was a "simple" way to create a unique ID for configuration file. Sqlite has an autoincrement which ensure id is unique.
Usage: podcast-downloader <command> [help]
command is one of:
add : Add a new podcast to scrape
edit : Edit a podcast
delete : Delete a podcast
list : List podcast - id: friendly name
dump-config : Display configuration json style
dump : Alias for dump-config
web : Starts web server (default port : 8000)
download : Download files
see 'help' subcommand for more information
Usage: podcast-downloader add --url=<url> --name=<name> [--min-size=<size-in-MB>] [--destination=<folder>] [--min-duration=<duration-in-seconds>] [--max-duration=<duration-in-seconds>] [--published-time-before=<time-in-HHMMSS>] [--published-time-after=<time-in-HHMMSS>]
--url=<url> : URL of podcast
--name=<name> : Friendly name
--min-size=<size-in-MB> : Don't download file if size is less than this
--max-size=<size-in-MB> : Don't download file if size is more than this
--min-duration=<duration-in-seconds> : Don't download file if duration is shorter than this
--max-duration=<duration-in-seconds> : Don't download file if duration is longer than this
--published-time-before=<time-in-HHMMSS>: Download file if publication time is before time (Format is 24 hour "HHMMSS" only.)
--published-time-after=<time-in-HHMMSS> : Download file if publication time is after time (Format is 24 hour "HHMMSS" only.)
--destination=<folder> : Destination folder
--include=<regular expression> : Include podcasts whose title matches the regular expression. This uses case insensitive search.
--exclude=<regular expression> : Exclude podcasts whose title matches the regular expression. This uses case insensitive search.
--days=<mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun> : Download only on these days (default is all).
Usage: podcast-downloader edit --id=<id|uuid> [--url=<url>] [--name=<name>] [--min-size=<size-in-MB>] [--destination=<folder>] [--min-duration=<duration-in-seconds>] [--max-duration=<duration-in-seconds>] [--enabled=<enabled>]
--id=<id|uuid> : ID of podcast to edit
--url=<url> : URL of podcast
--name=<name> : Friendly name
--min-size=<size-in-MB> : Don't download file if size is less than this
--max-size=<size-in-MB> : Don't download file if size is more than this
--min-duration=<duration-in-seconds> : Don't download file if duration is shorter than this
--max-duration=<duration-in-seconds> : Don't download file if duration is longer than this
--published-time-before=<time-in-HHMMSS>: Download file if publication time is before time (Format is 24 hour "HHMMSS" only.)
--published-time-after=<time-in-HHMMSS> : Download file if publication time is after time (Format is 24 hour "HHMMSS" only.)
--destination=<folder> : Destination folder
--include=<regular expression> : Include podcasts whose title matches the regular expression. This uses case insensitive search.
--exclude=<regular expression> : Exclude podcasts whose title matches the regular expression. This uses case insensitive search.
--enabled=<enabled> : If value is not 0 or empty, then enable podcast
--days=<mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun> : Download only on these days.
Usage: podcast-downloader delete --id=<id|uuid>
--id=<id|uuid> : ID of podcast to delete
Usage: podcast-downloader list
Usage: podcast-downloader dump-config
Usage: podcast-downloader web [--port=<port>] [--listen=<ip or URL to listen>] --debug=[1|ON|YES|TRUE]
Starts web server on port 8000
--port=<port> : Set port to listen on
--listen=<ip or URL to listen>: Set IP/URL to listen on (not validated, be sure of your value)
Usage: podcast-downloader web [--id|uuid=<id|uuid>] [--url=<url of file>]
Without parameters, same as ./podcast-downloader without arguments
--id|uuid=<id|uuid>: Download only for <id> or <uuid>. Both are interchangeable (--id can be used with uuid value and --uuid can be used wit id value)
--url=<url> : Download only the file identified by the url (mostly used with the history tab)
WARNING: Forcing with URL don't apply regex filters
WARNING: URL MUST be available in current RSS feed. If your broadcaster removes the link from the feed, the podcast-downloader won't download it. You can still get the link in "downloaded" table
Usage: podcast-downloader user --username=<username> [--password=<password>] [--delete]
--username=<username> : Username to create/modify/delete (update password if exists, create user if not)
--password=<password> : Optionnal password. Prompted if ommited. Cannot be used with --delete
--delete : Delete username. Cannot be used with --password