Pipeline to generate counts table from cfRNA data
Full pipeline to process cfRNAseq data starting with fastq files
Install miniconda if you do not have it already - https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
Git clone this repo
Change into this directory
(A) Install snakemake into your base env
conda install -c bioconda snakemake=5.8.1=0
(B) Create a virtual environment with snakemake.
conda env create -f envs/smk.yaml
(C) Create a virtual environment with snakemake-minimal. Under 1GB in size for space issues.
conda env create -f envs/smk_minimal.yaml
Modify "util/config/common_config.yaml" such that the paths specified work for you
Typically for each new project, you'll have relevant config files and read data/output in 2 locations.
- Configuration files or scripts required to run this pipeline which can be found under "run/" within this pipeline directory
- See "Creating pipeline run specific folder and files" below
- Sample metadata, read data and output produced by this pipeline however are saved in an independent location - usually a project-specific within OAK
- See "Creating a project-specific folder within OAK" below
Within the root_dir you specified in common_config.yaml (typically your OAK dir if quake lab)
- Create a project specific folder e.g. "root_dir/project_id/"
- Change into that folder
- Download raw reads from the cloud (eg AWS, GCloud, Etc) into a sub-directory e.g. "raw_data/"
- Create an analysis specific directory e.g. "analysis/"
- This is where all the pipeline specific files will be saved like the output from STAR, htseq, etc
- In this same folder, create a sample_metadata file.
This file can take 1 of 2 forms. For examples, see run/example
- If the input fastq files include the sample name in the path, take the lazy route and make a file like the example in run/example/sample_metadata.brief.csv
- Example: If your fastqs are named like "S01_R001_L001.fastq.gz" and the sample name is "S01" then the pipeline is capable of using glob to find the relevant files without you specifying a full path
- To see how this works, check out the fxn patt_match_reads in "rules/std/common.smk"
- If the input fastq files contain some random barcode that does not match your desired sample name, make a very specific file like the example in run/example/sample_metadata.full_file_paths.csv
- Example: If your fastqs are named like "U1028985_R001_L001.fastq.gz" and the sample name is "S01" then the pipeline needs to know that sample S1 corresponds to fastq titled "U1028985_R001_L001"
For an example of both of these files that you can copy and modify where commented, see run/example
- Change into this project repo directory.
cd path_prefix/cfRNA_pipeline
- Create a new subdirectory titled "run/project_name" and a subsubdirectory titled "run/project_name/log"
mkdir run/project_name mkdir run/project_name/log
- Change into "run/project_name"
cd run/project_name
- In this sub-directory, create the following files. For templates, copy from "run/example."
This file has the following fields:
- "samples" - Path to sample_metadata file relative to the root_dir specified in your common_config.yaml - e.g. root_dir/project_id/sample_metadata.csv
- "reads" - Path to folder containing .fastqs relative to the root_dir specified in your common_config.yaml
- "data" - Path to folder where all analysis will be saved relative to the root_dir specified in your common_config.yaml
- "wildcard_constraints" - Regex that specifies how to identify sample name
- "merge_mult_lanes" - Either "0" or "1". Specifies whether reads for a single sample are split over multiple lanes and should be merged (1) or not
- Usually on NovaSeq - you have R1 and R2 reads split over a few lanes like S1_R1_L001.fastq.gz and S1_R1_L002.fastq.gz
- This ensures that reads from multiple lanes be merged into a single file prior to further analysis
- If all your reads were already on a single lane (e.g. NextSeq results or just single NovaSeq lane) then pass 0 here to skip this step
- "is_two_pass" - Either "0" or "1". Specifies whether STAR should be run in 1-pass (0) or 2-pass mode (1)
- 2-pass mode is only needed if calling SNPs or alternative splicing
- "seq_type" - Either "se" (single-end) or "pe" (paired-end). Specifies nature of sequencing.
- "stranded_type" - Either "reverse", "forward", or "unstranded". Specifies nature of cDNA construction.
- "adapters" - 3 acceptable values - "truseq2", "truseq3", "nextera"
- Used to choose the correct adapter file to trim adapter seqs
- "truseq3" is most common
- "truseq2" only for older expts on like GAII
- "nextera" only for lib preps that used those adapters. Note only PE fa file available
- To see all available adapter files - look in "ref/adapters/" which are the files that come with trimmomatic
- For more details - check out https://www.biostars.org/p/323087/
- "get_reads_from_sample_sheet" - Either "0" or "1".
- If 1, expects a sample_metadata sheet like "run/example/sample_metadata.full_file_paths.csv". See below for further details
Change paths where necessary as specified by comments - namely 1st 4 variables defined
Once you've created all project-specific files and folders, you can launch the pipeline as follows
Change into this main directory
Perform a dry run to confirm everything works as expected for your project
bash run/project_name/run_snakemake.sh
If all goes as expected, launch snakemake by either:
(A) If total sample number < 100
bash run/project_name/run_snakemake.sh unlock #Only run this if previously launched pipeline
bash run/project_name/run_snakemake.sh snakemake
Press Ctrl-A-D #Detachs from screen
(B) If total sample number > 100
bash run/project_name/run_snakemake.sh unlock #Only run this if previously launched pipeline
bash run/project_name/run_snakemake.sh sbatch #Submits a job to run snakemake continuously
Once all jobs are done, analyze data :) Maybe debug and check log files if jobs fail
Within the "data" directory you specified in the project-specific "config.yaml" file, you will find:
- "htseq_merged.csv" - Full counts table merged across all samples
- "exon_merged.csv" - Full exoncount table merged across all samples
- "qc/multiqc_report.html" - MultiQC report
- "qc/outlier_data.txt" - Aggregated QC metrics, plots are produced too in "plots/"
- Lists raw value for each QC metric and whether the sample is an outlier for that metric.
- Final two columns call whether sample is an outlier overall and what was one flag that failed for that sample
- Sample-specific intermediate files in subdirectories
- E.g. STAR-mapped bam files within folder "star"
Sometimes you only want to rerun part of the pipeline (eg. rerun htseq and merge_htseq but not multiqc). You can do this by editing "run_snakemake.sh" as follows.
Navigate to the "CALL_SMK" fxn. Append the following to the end of the snakemake command in the body of "CALL_SMK"
--allowed-rules htseq merge_htseq all
Stanford Sherlock uses SLURM as job manager - yours may be different and require modification to the way job calls are made.