Collection of Python analysis and visualization codes for CGE models and related data
The notebooks in the demo/
directory allow you to map data that is:
- by province
- by province & time
onto an existing province map of China.
The plotting is done using Bokeh
- Clone the repository using
- Open a terminal in the repository
- Via zip:
- Unzip the folder and go into the interactive_map directory.
Run the following command:
$ pip install --user --editable .
$ conda TODO
If you are using the anaconda distribution of python ( it should contain Bokeh & IPython notebook already and these notebooks should just work.
If you are not, you will need to install bokeh (Note that Bokeh v0.10+ is expected), and its dependencies, via conda or pip:
$ pip install bokeh "ipython[notebook]" pandas
$ conda install bokeh ipython-notebook pandas
To use hdf, install pytables:
$ conda install pandas pytables