Bulletin is a customizable alert library that makes it incredibly easy to build highly-stylized alerts for your app.
- Swift 4: Version <= 1.2.4
- Swift 5: Version >= 1.3.0
Bulletin is integrated with CocoaPods!
- Add the following to your
pod 'Bulletin'
- In your project directory, run
pod install
- Import the
module wherever you need it - Profit
You can also manually add the source files to your project.
- Clone this git repo
- Add all the Swift files in the
subdirectory to your project - Profit
The general flow of presenting a bulletin is as follows:
let contentView = UIView()
let bulletin = BulletinView()
bulletin.embed(content: contentView)
You create a content view that later will be embedded into a containing BulletinView
. We then create a BulletinView
and configure it's style to our liking, embed our content, and present the bulletin.
The BulletinView
will use your view's intrinsic content size to determine it's on-screen height. So make sure you have constraints setup properly! Alternatively, if you want to provide a static height for your content, use the following version of the embed()
bulletin.embed(content: contentView, usingStrictHeight: 100)
has a ton of customization options; because of this, it includes pre-configured styles for the most common use cases. The current set of default styles include:
- notification
- banner
- status bar (toast)
- alert
- hud
- sheet
A bulletin can be created with one of these default styles like this:
let bulletin = BulletinView.notification()
let bulletin = BulletinView.banner()
Of course, you might want to go crazy and tweak everything to your liking. Here is an example of some of the things you can change:
let bulletin = BulletinView()
// Basic options
bulletin.position = .top
bulletin.duration = .limit(5)
bulletin.soundEffectUrl = URL(...)
// Presentation
bulletin.presentationAnimation.duration = 0.4
bulletin.presentationAnimation.springDamping = 0.7
bulletin.presentationAnimation.springVelocity = 0.4
// Style
bulletin.style.statusBar = .lightContent
bulletin.style.backgroundEffect = .darken(alpha: 0.5)
bulletin.style.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(horizontal: 8, vertical: 24)
bulletin.style.roundedCorners = .allCorners
bulletin.style.roundedCornerRadius = 4
bulletin.style.shadowColor = UIColor.black
bulletin.style.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 4)
bulletin.style.shadowRadius = 4
bulletin.style.shadowAlpha = 0.25
bulletin.style.isBackgroundDismissEnabled = true
// Taptics
bulletin.taptics.presentation = .notification(.success)
bulletin.taptics.action = .impact(.light)
bulletin.taptics.snapping = .impact(.medium)
..and many more. For more information regarding specific configuration option usage, refer to the code documentation.
You might want to do something cool when someone taps on your bulletin. BulletinView
has an optional action
handler that does just that!
let bulletin = BulletinView()
bulletin.action = {
print("You tapped me!")
When an action handler is invoked, it's bulletin will automatically be dismissed.
also has an optional appearanceDelegate
that provides information about when & how a bulletin is presented/dismissed. The delegate includes the following functions:
func bulletinViewWillAppear(_ bulletin: BulletinView)
func bulletinViewWillDisappear(_ bulletin: BulletinView)
func bulletinViewWasAutomaticallyDismissed(_ bulletin: BulletinView)
func bulletinViewWasInteractivelyDismissed(_ bulletin: BulletinView)
SnapKit is a wonderful library that helps ease the pain of working with programatic layout constraints. I use it daily, and you should too! Bulletin provides basic SnapKit integration via a specialized snp_embed()
function that takes a SnapKit ConstraintItem
instead of a strict height.
bulletin.snp_embed(content: contentView, usingStrictHeightConstraint: anotherView.snp.height)
Bulletin has limited support for Objective-C. Creating & presenting a bulletin works the exact same way it does in Swift:
@import Bulletin;
UIView *content = [[UIView alloc] init];
content.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
BulletinView *bulletin = [[BulletinView alloc] init];
[bulletin setAppearanceDelegate:self];
[bulletin embedContent:content usingStrictHeight:120.0f];
[bulletin present];
Bulletin's do not support advanced styling options when used via Objective-C. However, the basic presentation options are available:
BulletinView *bulletin = [[BulletinView alloc] init];
[bulletin setPosition:kBulletinViewPositionTop];
[bulletin setDuration:5];
[bulletin setLevel:kBulletinViewLevelDefault];
[bulletin setEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(8, 8, 8, 8)];
[bulletin setBackgroundEffect:kBulletinViewBackgroundEffectDarkenMedium];
[bulletin embedContent:contentView];
[bulletin present];
If you need more advanced styling options, you can create a simple Swift factory class or an extension on BulletinView
that returns fully-configured bulletins:
class BulletinFactory {
static func sexyBulletin() -> BulletinView {
let bulletin = BulletinView()
bulletin.position = .bottom
bulletin.style.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(horizontal: 0, vertical: 8)
bulletin.style.backgroundEffect = .darken(alpha: 0.5)
return bulletin
extension BulletinView {
static func sexy() -> BulletinView {
let bulletin = BulletinView()
bulletin.position = .bottom
bulletin.style.edgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(horizontal: 0, vertical: 8)
bulletin.style.backgroundEffect = .darken(alpha: 0.5)
return bulletin
Pull-requests are more than welcome. Bug fix? Feature? Open a PR and we'll get it merged in!