Description of daily averaged COVID-19 data from JHU CESS to plot descriptive statistics
Data is sourced from:
Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE), Johns Hopkins University, freely availbale on GitHub.
The daily-averaged time series-data has been analysd to find and plot the daily-averaged numbers of confirmed, recovery cases and deaths due to COVID-19 daily from the 10 most affected provinces/regions or nations (in the absence of provoincial data), for each day from 22nd January to 19th March, 2020 and an animated bargraph is presented.
The global spread of COVID-19 globally has been mapped with graduated bubbles starting from 1st March-19th March, 2020.
Moving towards the present (19th of March), the four biggest bubbles represent the Chinese province of Hubei, Iran, Italy and Spain.