Moved to This repo is usable but frozen.
Short for "ConCurrent". Go tool for running multiple functions concurrently, collecting their errors into an error slice. Tiny and dependency-free.
API docs:
import ""
func ExampleAll() {
err := cc.All(
func() {
fmt.Println(`running in background`)
func() {
fmt.Println(`running in background`)
fmt.Println(`done; no error:`, err == nil)
// Output:
// running in background
// running in background
// done; no error: true
func ExampleConc() {
var conc cc.Conc
conc.Add(func() {
fmt.Println(`running in background`)
conc.Add(func() {
fmt.Println(`running in background`)
err := conc.All()
fmt.Println(`done; no error:`, err == nil)
// Output:
// starting
// running in background
// running in background
// done; no error: true
I'm receptive to suggestions. If this library almost satisfies you but needs changes, open an issue or chat me up. Contacts: