This is an attempt to compile regular expressions to machine code.
Parser that outputs nfas for given input regexprs. Use the '-n' option to output the nfas in dot representation.
Supported syntax:
- +, *, ?, |, .
- [a-zA-Z] or [^0-9] like character classes (only allowed for byte ranges)
Takes the nfas and turns them into minimal dfas using's_algorithm. Output minimal dfas using the '-d' option.
generate x86_64 code for a given dfa. For each state in the dfa, a series of nested if expressions will be generated to determine the next state to transition to. You can output the pseudocode for each state using the '-v' option and write the generated code using '-o'.
./main '(a|b)+'
Every line of input will be matched against each regular expression argument by both a very simple transition matrix based dfa execution and by running the generated code.