Generative testing with clojure.spec in Clojurescript.
Start the Shadow-CLJS server in a Docker container with
docker-compose up
This opens a watcher on the tests. Open the test runner on http://localhost:8021 to see the status.
The src
and test
directories are mounted into the Docker container so you edit and see live
updates when the files are saved on the host (no need to access the Docker container or rebuild it).
The ClojureScript macro system is quite fickle compared to the Clojure implementation.
The check
macro suffers from this.
Here are some common errors.
Yes, that is right. See the core_test.cljs file for details.
(ns generative.core-test
[generative.core :as c]
[clojure.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is are]]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[cljs.spec.test.alpha :as stest :refer-macros [instrument check]]))
;; details elided
(testing "We can call check on a namespace (using the alias)"
(is (check (stest/enumerate-namespace 'generative.core))))
Here the check
macro throws up on the aliased namespace and you will see this:
Encountered error when macroexpanding cljs.spec.test.alpha/check.
Error in phase :compile-syntax-check
RuntimeException: No such namespace: stest
The workaround is to use fully qualified namespaces instead of aliases.
I have not been able to find the root cause of this error:
Error: Require clojure.test.check and before calling check.
I cannot reproduce it in small, new, toy projects, however, it does appear in some bigger projects.
One workaround seems to be to delete the .m2
Maven repository, node_modules
and package-lock.json
run npm install
to renew the NPM modules and the Java-siden packages when Shadow CLJS runs again.