- Attempt at simulated trading with the goal of a profitable trading algo
Bittrex.Net api to access the exchange https://github.com/JKorf/Bittrex.Net
CryptoExchange.Net from Bittrex.Net dependency https://github.com/JKorf/CryptoExchange.Net
- Note: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions needed to be included in project.
OracleDelta is the app
- TickerTranformer is technology built to catch ticker events, house the data and return execution flow asap asycronously.
AppCrypto is a helper data module library.
- CObjects Concurrent dictionary as the basic object.
- CQueue CObject decendant representing a Queue built with concurrency in mind.
- CCache similar object representing a Cache built with concurrency in mind.
- CAvgDecimalCache saves a set amount of decimals.
- INI file support objects for IO. by Jacek Gajek
- CFileDictionary is a Persistant Dictionary object
- SecureStore password derived AES encrypted settings file dictionary
- CMarkets virtual model dictionary used to track the feed data.
- CPositions persistant virtual balances to simulate holding positions
StaticExtensions library of helper extensions.
- Viewer App a C# winforms application
- Secure Settings
- Password derived key unlocks the AES encrypted settings files.
- App prompts user to enter password which generates keys that unlock the settings.
- All Settings and NoSQL Stores are saved in the ProgramData\MMCommon folder on the deployment computer.
- Exchange API keys are stored as AES encrypted values in ini files.
- Market Last Rates and Positions are persisted via NOSQL files in ProgranData\MMCommon folder
- Password derived key unlocks the AES encrypted settings files.
- Feeds Processing
- Subscription Management
- From DefMarketList we open tic socket subscriptions for each market.
- When the Form is closed we close all sockets.
- Sockets report events to the DoTickersLandingAdd function.
- TickersLanding is a queue of tickers and code to transform the details into the Markets data structure and then remove themselves from the queue.
- Subscription Management
- The Timer is the display refresh 16fps.
- The ReDraw is double buffer, draw on a image and then overlay image over forms canvas.
- UpdateControlVisibilityCallback is main resize and position function that moves form controls around based on the forms state.
- The data drawn is the Markets and Positions structures.
- Market Data Structure
- Markets to track are identified in code on main form as string[] DefMarketList
- Markets data structure is a dictionary of Coins each of which is a list of Dictionary Markets each of which are either a Market or the inverse market type. Inverse meaning a special class of market where all feed data is saved as 1/value.
- Markets can persist the last Ask and Bid values. This makes working in the unit testing able to load last market data and test the position structures.
- Trade Simulating
- Trade virtual positions at current market rates via user interface.
- Rate buttons (top left) bring up buy dialog.
- Position buttons (bottom) bring up sell dialogs.
- Position Structure to persist positions with dates and USD est.
- ToDo add Order Placing and Feeds processing when the order is crossed does simulated trade.
- Trade virtual positions at current market rates via user interface.
- Signal Production
- Currently attempting to put together different signals within the app.
- Feeds Processing updates the Markets structure in real time.
- Each statistic is recalculated every 15 sec
- ToDo profitable trading algo...
- Secure Settings