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We recommend that you have a testing environment to validate changes and updates before updating your store in production. Also that all information is backed up before performing any update/installation procedure.

Compatibility Versions

Magento 2.4.X & PHP 7.4

Magento 2.3.3 & PHP 7.3

Installation of Module

Download the module and follow the steps below:


Installation using composer

  1. Install via packagist:

    composer require belluno-finance-solutions/module-magento

    At this time, you may be asked for your Magento authentication credentials. If in doubt, there is documentation that will help you. Link

  2. Execute this commands:

    • bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • bin/magento cache:clean

Installation using GitHub

If your store was created through the clone or download of the magento project, follow the next steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the ZIP download and move the directory belluno-magento2 into the folder Belluno and rename to Magento2
  2. Check if your store directory looks like this app/code/Belluno/Magento2
  3. Enable the module with the following command bin/magento module:enable Belluno_Magento2
  4. Execute this commands:
    • bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • bin/magento setup:di:compile
    • bin/magento cache:clean

Module Settings

Access the Magento Administrative Panel on the side menu click on Stores, then click on Configuration, next click on Sales and Payment Methods.

Scroll down until you find Belluno Custom Payment.

So you will have five configurations. Follow the next steps to understand.

1 - Belluno Config

  • Environment: this option gives the possibility to place the module in a test environment or production environment.
    • Production - production environment;
    • Sandbox - test environment;
  • Sort Order: this option lets you select an order that the method will appear at checkout. The smaller will appear first.

2 - Belluno Authentication

  • Authentication Token: Belluno support team must provide a valid token for your environment.
  • Public Key Konduto: this field must be provided by the Konduto support team, but Belluno makes the request to Konduto.

3 - Belluno - Credit Card

  • Enabled: this option gives the possibility to activate and deactivate the module.

    • Yes - activated;
    • No - disabled;
  • Rule of Capture: here you define whether the capture will be automatic or manual.

    • Authorize - in this option the captures must be done manually by the administrator. It only authorizes purchases.
    • Authorize and Capture - in this option the authorization and capture are done automatically.
  • Installments: here you can add or decrease the amount of installments that will be available.

    In each installment it is possible to put a number that will represent the percentage of interest on the total amount.

    • Observation: the number applied will always add the percentage referring to the total amount of the order, NOT the total amount with interest from the previous installment.
  • Minimum value of installment: this will be the minimum possible value of a single installment.

  • Title: in this field you can change the name that will appear at checkout.

  • Capture tax document: this field allows you to configure whether the client is to fill in your document or not.

    • Yes - customer will have to fill in their document at checkout.

    • No - customer will not have to fill in their document at checkout.

    • Observation: IF YOU MARK NO, you must set the field "Show Tax/VAT number" as mandatory.

      • Show Tax/VAT number: Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration -> show Tax/VAT Number. REQUIRED.

4 - Belluno - Bank Slip

  • Enabled: this option gives the possibility to activate and deactivate the module.

    • Yes - activated;
    • No - disabled;
  • Days to expiration: number of days for the ticket to expire.

  • Title: in this field you can change the name that will appear at checkout.

  • Capture tax document: this field allows you to configure whether the client is to fill in your document or not.

    • Yes - customer will have to fill in their document at checkout.

    • No - customer will not have to fill in their document at checkout.

    • Observation: IF YOU MARK NO, you must set the field "Show Tax/VAT number" as mandatory.

      • Show Tax/VAT number: Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration -> show Tax/VAT Number. REQUIRED.

5 - General Configure

  • Show Telephone: Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration -> Show Telephone. REQUIRED.

Added functions

In view order (), in cases of bank slip, a button was added so that the customer can reprint his bank slip.

After clicking.

  • On the admin page:
    • In order, view (bank slip). A button was also added.

After clicking, a new page will open to download or print the bank slip.

  • On the admin page:
    • In order, view (credit card). A button was also added.

After clicking.


Magento 2.0






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