Yet-Another Light Weight RPC Framework Written in & for Python3.
- Easy-to-Use
- Dependency Free: No third-party dependencies are required.
- Transparent: Almost the same as calling local procedures.
- Thread Safe: Feel free to use the same Client object in different thread simultaneously.
- Polling Free: Block the thread before getting the result from the server instead of exhaustedly polling the status.
# import Listener
from rpc.listener import Listener
# define your own procedures
def sum(a, b):
return a + b
def upper(string):
return str.upper(string)
def lower(string):
return str.lower(string)
# instantiate a Listener object
listener = Listener(ip, port, backlog)
# register your procedures
# start serving, press `Ctrl+C` (maybe twice) to terminate the program
# import Client
from rpc.client import Client
# instantiate a Client object
client = Client(ip, port)
client.sum(1.0, 2.0)
client.upper("hello world!")
client.lower("HELLO WORLD!")
# Using keyword arguments
client.sum(a=1.0, b=2.0)
trying to call a non-registered procedure:
# trying to call a non-registered procedure client.sin(3.14)
# outcomes Traceback (most recent call last): client.sin(3.14) AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'sin'
trying to pass illegal arguments to the call:
# trying to pass illegal arguments to the call client.upper(1.0)
# outcomes Traceback (most recent call last): client.upper(1.0) File "YA-RPC\rpc\", line 94, in func raise ret TypeError: descriptor 'upper' requires a 'str' object but received a 'float'
trying to pass mismatched number of arguments:
# trying to pass mismatched number of arguments client.sum(1.0)
# outcomes Traceback (most recent call last): client.sum(1.0) File "YA-RPC\rpc\", line 94, in func raise ret TypeError: sum() missing 1 required positional argument: 'b'