Artic, the perfect place to post your article.
It works. Take a look.
Just create your profile and post an article.
- New, Hot and All articles sections
- Dashborad to manage articles
- Login system
Artic was created in order to understand the relation between a Rest API and a frontend webpage. To acheive this, two different frameworks, Laravel and Nuxt.js, were used.
Laravel - The PHP framework used to create Artic's Rest API.
Nuxt.js - The Vue framework used to create Artic's webpage.
$ yarn install # install nuxt.js dependencies
$ yarn run dev
$ composer install # install laravel dependencies
$ php artisan passport:install # install passport dependencies
$ php artisan passport:client --personal # create passport keys
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed # migrate database
$ php artisan serve
OBS: make sure to configure your databese at back-end/.env.example
and rename to back-end/.env
This project is under the MIT license.
This project was created to study the basics of a Dashboard. I will try to make the code simple and easy to understand.
The idea is to achieve some of the following items.