Create Bulk Bitcoin Paper Wallets
- Generate infinite paper wallets
- Possible to use different amounts for each wallet (via commandline or CSV import)
- Possible to use an offline computer
- Derives all private keys for wallet from one masterkey. So you will be able to restore a wallet if someone lost his wallet. Off course this has some security and trust implications.
- Uses easy to design Jinja2 template. Use default one provided or update to your own needs
Uses the bitcoinlib Bitcoin Library
pip install bitcoinlib
And libraries to generate PDF paper wallets with Jinja template markup and QR code's
pip install qrcode pdfkit jinja2
And the libraries to generate a PDF from HTML (see for other OS):
apt install wkhtmltopdf
And if you get PIL or Image errors
pip install image
Use from commandline with python
usage: [-h] [--wallet-name WALLET_NAME] [--network NETWORK]
[--outputs [OUTPUTS [OUTPUTS ...]] | --outputs-import
[--wallet-remove WALLET_REMOVE] [--print]
[--passphrase-strength PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH]
[--list-wallets] [--wallet-info]
[--recover-wallet-passphrase RECOVER_WALLET_PASSPHRASE]
[--test-pdf] [--style STYLE] [--template TEMPLATE]
[--image-size IMAGE_SIZE] [--fee-per-kb FEE_PER_KB]
Create Bulk Paper Wallets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--wallet-name WALLET_NAME, -w WALLET_NAME
Name of wallet to create or open. Used to store your
all your wallet keys and will be printed on each paper
--network NETWORK, -n NETWORK
Specify 'bitcoin', 'testnet' or other supported
--outputs [OUTPUTS [OUTPUTS ...]], -o [OUTPUTS [OUTPUTS ...]]
List of output values. For example '-o 1 2 3' creates
3 wallets with a value of 1, 2 and 3 bitcoin
Filename of comma seperated value list of output
values and optional wallet names. Example: 1.51, John
Repeat the outputs OUTPUTS_REPEAT times. For example
' -o 5 -r 10' will create 10 wallets
with 5 bitcoin
--wallet-remove WALLET_REMOVE
Name of wallet to remove, all keys and related
information will be deleted
--print, -p Print wallets, skip check for funds on input address
--passphrase-strength PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH
Number of bits for passphrase key
--list-wallets, -l List all known wallets in bitcoinlib database
--wallet-info, -i Show wallet information
--recover-wallet-passphrase RECOVER_WALLET_PASSPHRASE
Passphrase - sequence of words - to recover and
regenerate a previous wallet
--test-pdf Generate a single preview PDF paper wallet. Contains
dummy keys
--style STYLE, -s STYLE
Specify style sheet file
--template TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE
Specify wallet template html file
--image-size IMAGE_SIZE
Image size factor in paper wallets
--fee-per-kb FEE_PER_KB, -k FEE_PER_KB
Fee in Satoshi's per kilobyte
Create 2 paper wallets with 0.01 bitcoin and 0.001 bitcoin:
$ python -o 0.001 0.01
CREATE wallet 'Bulk Paper Wallet' (bitcoin network)
Your mnemonic private key sentence is: tide dirt obscure round demand engine nominee destroy swamp smile board decrease
Please write down on paper and backup. With this key you can restore all paper wallets if something goes wrong
during this process. You can / have to throw away this private key after the paper wallets are distributed.
Type 'yes' if you understood and wrote down your key:
Now write down the private key sentence on a piece of paper and confirm
Estimated fee is for this transaction is 0.00060000 BTC
Total value of outputs is 0.01100000 BTC
Not enough funds in wallet to create transaction.
Please transfer 0.01160000 BTC to address 1Cg7pnT1Ympu4LnmF3s58VEnRhAJZjLnRK and restart this program.
You can find a QR code in wallets/8-input-address-qrcode.png
Copy-n-paste the address or scan the QR code with your favorite wallet and send the coins.
Restart the program with the same options:
$ python -o 0.001 0.01
Open wallet 'Bulk Paper Wallet' (bitcoin network)
Estimated fee is for this transaction is 0.00060000 BTC
Total value of outputs is 0.01100000 BTC
Enough input(s) to spent found, create wallets and transaction
Raw Transaction: raw b'010000000 .... 88ac00000000'
Generate wallet 74
Loading page (1/2)
Printing pages (2/2)
Generate wallet 75
Loading page (1/2)
Printing pages (2/2)
A total of 2 paper wallets have been created
Transaction pushed to the network, txid: 0177ac29fa8b2960051321c730c6f15017503aa5b9c1dd2d61e7286e366fbaba
Paper wallets can be found in the wallets directory
Paper wallets are now funded and ready to use. Print and store in a safe location.