Welcome to my repository for "CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python," an open-courseware offered by Harvard University through edX. This course is an excellent opportunity to dive into the fundamentals of Python programming and gain valuable coding skills.
- Instructor: David J. Malan
- Platform: edX
The course covers a wide range of topics, including:
- Introduction: Familiarization with essential tools like file explorers, terminal windows, text editors, and interpreters.
- Functions and Variables: Exploring functions, arguments, return values, variables, types, and more.
- Conditionals: Understanding Boolean expressions, if-elif-else statements, and logical operators.
- Loops: Working with loops, including while and for loops, comprehensions, and sorting techniques.
- Exceptions: Handling exceptions, debugging, and error handling strategies.
- Unit Tests: Implementing unit tests, assertions, and debugging techniques.
- Libraries: Using Python modules, packages, and third-party libraries for various purposes.
- File I/O: Interacting with the file system and reading/writing data.
- Regular Expressions: Introduction to regular expressions for text pattern matching.
- Classes: Object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance, and decorators.
- Conclusion: Wrapping up the course with final thoughts and additional exercises.
For a detailed course syllabus, refer to the CS50P Python Course Syllabus.
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Enjoy your learning journey, and feel free to explore my course-related projects and assignments in this repository!