This project is an open-source project which I made due to sharing my experience around the Python programming language.
- advanced-1400-1401_fall
- advanced-1400-1401_winter
- advanced-1401-1402_spring
- advanced-1401-1402_fall
- advanced-1402-1403_spring
- beginners-1400-1401_fall_1
- beginners-1400-1401_fall_2
- beginners-1400-1401_winter
- beginners-1401-1402_fall
Table of content
- python history
- python usage
- binary number
- binary conversion
- bitwise operator
- CPU and RAM concept
- syntax (indentation)
- comments
- variables and data-types
- casting
- naming
- assigning
- operators
- input & output
- git
- string
- warlus operator
- boolean
- list
- tuple
- sets
- dictionaries
- hash
- collections
- immutable and mutable
- virtual env
- install external packages
- if else
- break, continue
- for loops - list comprehension, dict comprehension
- del, set, get descriptor
- function positional args
- random module
- scope
- lambda
- regex
- files - read and write, os commands
- excel
- classes and objects
- inheritance
- magic functions
- solid principles
- polymorphism
- sort
- avg, mod, ...
- tree
- exceptions
- iterator
- modules
- datetime
- collections
- context manager
- unit test
- design patterns
- multithreading
- multiprocessing
- async await
- requests modules
- Tkinter
- socket programming
- plants and zombies
- pac man
- bomber man
- tower defence