# Let's install the bot.
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/RaDiCaLbOtTeAm/RaDiCaLbOt.git
cd RaDiCaLbOt
chmod +x radical.sh
chmod 777 auto.sh && sed -i -e 's/\r$//' auto.sh
./radical.sh install
# Enter a phone number & confirmation code.
To install everything in one command, use:
cd $HOME && git clone https://github.com/RaDiCaLbOtTeAm/RaDiCaLbOt.git && cd RaDiCaLbOt && chmod +x radical.sh && chmod 777 auto.sh && sed -i -e 's/\r$//' auto.sh && ./radical.sh install && ./radical.sh
killall screen
cd RaDiCaLbOt && screen ./radical.sh
killall screen
cd RaDiCaLbOt && screen ./auto.sh
Open ./bot/bot.lua and add your ID to the "sudo_users" section in the following format:
sudo_users = {