This locale is for Cypriots who want to have an English Locale, (e.g. choosing en_CY in KDE). The locale alleviates problems faced when using such an exotic locale, e.g. rofi not starting up because it cannot recognize the locale.
Most settings used, were copied from the european irish locale and adapted to much Cyprus references
The instructions below are derived from following sources: Stackexchange Askubuntu
Clone folder using git:
git clone this
You can also fork the repository on github, or manualy fork it:git clone
If you forked it, you can further customize the locale by copying additional locales into the git folder. The locales can be found under
cd /usr/share/i18n/locales/
Package locale for your system
sudo localedef -c -v -i en_CY -f UTF-8 en_CY.UTF-8
sudo cp -v en_CY /usr/share/i18n/locales/
- IMPORTANT: You need to edit the localedef file and include all the locales defined in the locale definition file, else the utilized copy
command won't function properly and you'll get a bunch of error messages. Using you favourite editor edit
For the default installation you should uncomment en_GB, en_US, el_CY and el_GR