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This is observational-data (obsdata), a Python package developed in order to retrieve and store data from

  • the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database
  • the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
  • the International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in AFrica (INDAAF)
  • the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN)

into a specific data format described in this document.

The Project

This project was initiated by David Simpson of EMEP MSC-W, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, and Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, with funds provided by the Swedish strategic research area project: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system (MERGE). The aim is re-format observational data from different networks into a common ascii format, for use in the validation of chemical transport models such as the EMEP MSC-W model, and as a contribution to Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) activities to improve the availability of measurement data for various projects.

The software was designed and constructed by Bengt Rydberg of Molflow, a Gothenburg based company which cooperates with science teams in several projects to collect, process and compare data from complex sensors.


For questions about the overall project:

For questions about the software:


The obsdata package has dependencies on a number of Python packages:

requests: is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python,

bs4: Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

netcdf4: a Python interface to the netCDF C library

numpy: the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

pandas: is a Python data analysis library, and can be used to rad Microsoft Excel files.

xlrd: Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

and these packages are available at PyPI.


Python packages should almost never be installed on the host Python environment, in order to avoid problems that can arise due to dependencies on different versions of packages. The obsdata package is preferably installed in a virtualenv. A suitable virtualenv for the optimal-interpolation package can be created by first installing the package virtualenvwrapper on the host (so check that you are not in a virutalenv before installing)

sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Also add this to your shell startup file:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs  # The virtualenvs are stored here.
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Devel  # Location of your development project directories
source /usr/local/bin/

Then you can create a virtualenv by:

mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.8 obsdata

and change to this environment by:

workon obsdata

and if you want to change back:


The obsdata package can be installed by:

workon obsdata
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 install


Federal Land Manager Environmental Database

The package contains two executable programs for retrieving data from the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database, and the usage is described below:

usage: get_fed_data  [-h] [-e DATA_FORMAT] [-q OUT_DIR]
                       dataset_id site-code parameter-code start-date end-date

positional arguments:
  dataset_id            fed dataset id , e.g 10001 for 'IMPROVE Aerosol'
  site-code             fed site code, e.g BADL1 for 'Badlands NP'
  parameter-code        parameter code e.g. OCf
  start-date            start date, format YYYY-MM-DD
  end-date              end date, format YYYY-MM-DD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e DATA_FORMAT, --data-format DATA_FORMAT
                        data format for saving file (dat or nc), default is dat
  -q OUT_DIR, --datadir-for-save OUT_DIR
                        data directory for saving output, default is /tmp

The program can for instance be invoked by:

get_fed_data 10001 BADL1 OCf 2017-01-01 2017-01-31 -e dat -q /tmp

and then one month of OCf data from Badlands NP will be collected and stored the /tmp directory (dataset-id, site-code, and parameter-code are described in the following section).

The package also contains a script called, which wraps around the script. There is no user friendly interface to this script, but the script can quite easily be modified in order to retrieve desired data within a desired time period. The code snippet found below is found within this script and the meaning of the parameter should hopefully be understandable. In this case the script retrieves OCf data (from IMPROVE Aerosol dataset) at all sites and between 2010-01-01 and 2015-12-31, and creates a single file for each site. The script also retrieves O3 data (from the CASTNet Ozone - Hourly dataset), and creates yearly files between 2010 and 2015 for all sites.

datasets_to_retrieve = [
        "id": "10001",
        "parameter": "OCf",
        "start_date": datetime(2010, 1, 1),
        "end_date": datetime(2015, 12, 31),
        "timedelta_month": -1,
        "data_format": "dat",
        "out_dir": "/tmp",
        "id": "23005",
        "parameter": "O3",
        "start_date": datetime(2010, 1, 1),
        "end_date": datetime(2015, 12, 31),
        "timedelta_month": 12,
        "data_format": "dat",
        "out_dir": "/tmp",

The obsdata package can also be used interactively

>>> from obsdata import fed_config

# print available datasets (ids and names)
>>>for dataset in fed_config.datasets:
...   print(dataset, fed_config.datasets[dataset].name)
54001 Air Sciences Speciated Aerosol
20070 ARS Ozone - Hourly
23007 CASTNET Dry Deposition - Annual
23001 CASTNet Dry Chemistry - Weekly Filter Pack Concentrations
23005 CASTNet Ozone - Hourly
10001 IMPROVE Aerosol

# get all site codes for a specific dataset
>>>site_codes = fed_config.get_all_site_codes('10001')
['ACAD1', 'ADPI1', 'AGTI1', 'AMBL1', 'ARCH1', ... ]

# get site information
>>>site_info = fed_config.get_site_info('10001', 'ACAD1')
SiteInfo(id='1', code='ACAD1', name='Acadia NP', country='US', state='ME',
         latitude='44.38', longitude='-68.26', elevation='157')

# get parameter information
>>>parameters = fed_config.get_all_parameters('10001')
    ParameterInfo(id='101', code='ALf'),
    ParameterInfo(id='136', code='NH4f'),

dataset-id, site-code, and parameter-code

Data are retrieved by making requests to the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database. Knowledge of a number of different ids are required to make these requests, and these are described below.

Data from the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database are organized in different datasets, e.g. the IMPROVE Aerosol dataset. The obsdata package contains a csv file (data/datasets.csv), that describes the id of 50 available datasets, and the first rows of the file are shown below:

54001;Air Sciences Speciated Aerosol;Daily
20070;ARS Ozone - Hourly;Hourly
23007;CASTNET Dry Deposition - Annual;Annual
23001;CASTNet Dry Chemistry - Weekly Filter Pack Concentrations;Weekly
23005;CASTNet Ozone - Hourly;Hourly
23006;CASTNET Total Deposition By Pollutant - Annual;Annual
23002;CASTNet Visibility Chemistry;Daily
20009;EPA Carbon Monoxide (CO) - Hourly;Hourly
20008;EPA Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) - Hourly;Hourly
20007;EPA Ozone - Hourly;Hourly
20006;EPA PM10 Mass (81102) - Daily;Daily
20005;EPA PM10 Mass (81102) - Hourly;Hourly
20004;EPA PM2.5 Mass (88502) - Daily;Hourly
20003;EPA PM2.5 Mass (88502) - Hourly;Hourly
20001;EPA PM2.5 Mass FRM (88101) - Daily;Daily
20011;EPA PM2.5 Mass FRM (88101) - Hourly;Hourly
20002;EPA PM2.5 Speciation (CSN) - Daily;Daily
20010;EPA Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) - Hourly;Hourly
53001;Guelph Aerosol and Visibility Monitoring Program;Daily
10001;IMPROVE Aerosol;Daily

A specific set of sites are associated to each dataset, and the obsdata package contains a csv file for each dataset (e.g data/fedsites_10001.csv for the IMPROVE Aerosol dataset). The fedsites_10001.csv contains information on the 259 sites associated to the IMPROVE Aerosol dataset, and the first rows of this file are shown below:

1,ACAD1,Acadia NP,US,ME,230090103,44.38,-68.26,157,03/02/88,11/28/18
144,ADPI1,Addison Pinnacle,US,NY,361019000,42.09,-77.21,512,04/04/01,06/28/10
100,AGTI1,Agua Tibia,US,CA,060659000,33.46,-116.97,508,12/20/00,11/28/18
167,ARCH1,Arches NP,US,UT,490190101,38.78,-109.58,1722,03/02/88,12/29/99
25531,ATLA1,South Dekalb,US,GA,130890002,33.69,-84.29,243,03/01/04,11/28/18
59,BADL1,Badlands NP,US,SD,460710001,43.74,-101.94,736,03/02/88,11/28/18

Each dataset is also associated to a specific set of parameters, and the obsdata package contains a parameter csv file for each dataset (e.g. parameters_10001.csv for the IMPROVE Aerosol dataset). The parameters_10001.csv file contains ids for 115 parameters, and the first rows of this file are shown below:


The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)

The package contains an executable script for getting data from EANET, and the usage is described below:

usage: get_eanet_data    [-h] [-e DATA_FORMAT] [-q OUT_DIR] [-x XLS_DIR]
                         dataset_id site-code parameter-code start-date

positional arguments:
  dataset_id            dataset_id: e.g. 1 for 'Dry Monthly'
  site-code             eanet site code, e.g JPA001 for 'Rishiri', use 'all'
                        for getting data from all available sites
  parameter-code        parameter code e.g. SO2, use 'all' for getting data
                        from all available parameters
  start-date            start date, format YYYY-MM-DD
  end-date              end date, format YYYY-MM-DD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e DATA_FORMAT, --data-format DATA_FORMAT
                        data format for saving file (nc or dat), default is
  -q OUT_DIR, --datadir-for-save OUT_DIR
                        data directory for saving output, default is /tmp
  -x XLS_DIR, --datadir-for-xls XLS_DIR
                        data directory for saving eanet xls files, default is

and the script can e.g. be invoked by:

get_eanet_data 1 JPA001 SO2 2001-01-01 2017-12-31 -e dat -q /tmp -x /tmp

The package handles five different type of datasets from EANET, and these are:

wet_monthly (dataset_id=1):

wet_deposition (dataset_id=2):

dry_deposition_auto (dataset_id=3):

dry_deposition_filter_pack (dataset_id=4):

dry_deposition_passive_sampler (dataset_id=5):

The wet_monthly dataset is publically available, while the other four datasets are not. You need to create a file named ".eanetconfig" in your home directory in order to use the script "get_eanet_data" for dataset 2 to 5, and the file must contain the following data:

    "user": "your eanet user here",
    "password": "your eanet password here"

You can register here in order to get an account.

The five datasets are described in obsdata.eanet_config module.

>>> from obsdata import eanet_config
# print available datasets
>>>for dataset in eanet_config.DATASETS:
...   print(dataset)
{'name': 'wet_monthly', 'id': 1, 'parameters': ['Ca2+', 'Cl-', 'HCl', 'HNO3', ...]}
{'name': 'wet_deposition', 'id': 2, 'parameters': ['Anion', 'Cation', 'Ca2+', ...]}
{'name': 'dry_deposition_auto', 'id': 3, 'parameters': ['NO', 'NO2', 'NOx*', ...]}
{'name': 'dry_deposition_filter_pack', 'id': 4, 'parameters': ['Ca2+', 'Cl-', ...]}
{'name': 'dry_deposition_passive_sampler', 'id': 5, 'parameters': ['SO2', 'NO2']}

# get all site codes
>>> site_codes = eanet_config.get_all_site_codes()
>>> site_codes
['KHA001', 'CNA002', 'CNA003', 'CNA004', ...]

# get site information
>>>site_info = eanet_config.get_site_info('KHA001')
>>> site_info
SiteInfo(country='Cambodia', site='Phnom Penh', code='KHA001', classification='Urban',
latitude=11.555, longitude=104.93889, altitude='12')

All parameters of a dataset are not necessarily available for a given site and year.

The script "get_eanet_data" downloads Excel (or CSV) files and the -x parameter determines where these files are stored. If the file already exists in the data directory (from a previous run of the program) the file is not downloaded again, and hence the exceution of the script is much faster. Data found within the Excel or CSV files are then merged into a data format described in the following section.

The data directory of the package contains a file named 'eanet_sites.txt' that contains data about the location of the sites. This information is not provided in the Excel sheets, and information from the eanet_sites.txt are used to produce the output data.

International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in AFrica (INDAAF)

The package contains an executable script for getting data from INDAAF, and the usage is described below:

usage: get_indaaf_data [-h] [-e DATA_FORMAT] [-q OUT_DIR] [-x CSV_DIR]
                        dataset_id site-code parameter-code

positional arguments:
  dataset_id            dataset_id. e.g 'Precipitation'
  site-code             indaaf site code, e.g. 1 for 'Agoufou'
  parameter-code        parameter code e.g. "H+"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e DATA_FORMAT, --data-format DATA_FORMAT
                        data format for saving file (nc or dat), default is
  -q OUT_DIR, --datadir-for-save OUT_DIR
                        data directory for saving output, default is /tmp
  -x CSV_DIR, --datadir-for-csv CSV_DIR
                        data directory for saving indaaf csv files, default is

and the script can e.g. be invoked by:

get_indaaf_data Gas 1 O3 -e dat -q /tmp -x /tmp

The script will produce a file having a format described in the following section, but it will also download and store a CSV file from INDAAF (in this case /tmp/Gas-1-O3.csv).

The package handles four different type of datasets from INDAAF, and these are:

  • Precipitation (daily data)
  • Gas (monthly data)
  • Aerosols (daily data)
  • Meteo (hourly data)

53 parameters are available, and the package file data/indaaf_parameters.csv describes these parameters and which dataset (Theme) the parameter belongs to, and these are also descibed

      Parameter name     Unit          Theme  ID
Precipitation Amount       mm  Precipitation   1
        Conductivity   µS/cm2  Precipitation   2
                  pH  no unit  Precipitation   3
                  H+    µeq/l  Precipitation   4
                 Na+    µeq/l  Precipitation   5
                NH4+    µeq/l  Precipitation   6
                  K+    µeq/l  Precipitation   7
                Ca2+    µeq/l  Precipitation   8
                Mg2+    µeq/l  Precipitation   9
                NO3-    µeq/l  Precipitation  10
                 Cl-    µeq/l  Precipitation  11
               SO42-    µeq/l  Precipitation  12
                HCOO    µeq/l  Precipitation  13
              CH3COO    µeq/l  Precipitation  14
             C2H5COO    µeq/l  Precipitation  15
                C2O4    µeq/l  Precipitation  16
    Total carbonates    µeq/l  Precipitation  17
               HCOO*    µeq/l  Precipitation  18
             CH3COO*    µeq/l  Precipitation  19
            C2H5COO*    µeq/l  Precipitation  20
               C2O4*    µeq/l  Precipitation  21
               HCOO-    µeq/l  Precipitation  22
             CH3COO-    µeq/l  Precipitation  23
            C2H5COO-    µeq/l  Precipitation  24
               C2O4-    µeq/l  Precipitation  25
           Anion sum    µeq/l  Precipitation  26
          Cation sum    µeq/l  Precipitation  27
      Ion Difference        %  Precipitation  28
                 NH3      ppb            Gas  29
                HNO3      ppb            Gas  30
                  O3      ppb            Gas  31
                 SO2      ppb            Gas  32
                 NO2      ppb            Gas  33
                   V       m3       Aerosols  34
                 Cl-    µg/m3       Aerosols  35
                NO3-    µg/m3       Aerosols  36
               SO42-    µg/m3       Aerosols  37
                 Na+    µg/m3       Aerosols  38
                NH4+    µg/m3       Aerosols  39
                  K+    µg/m3       Aerosols  40
                Mg2+    µg/m3       Aerosols  41
                Ca2+    µg/m3       Aerosols  42
                HCOO    µg/m3       Aerosols  43
              CH3COO    µg/m3       Aerosols  44
             C2H5COO    µg/m3       Aerosols  45
                C2O4    µg/m3       Aerosols  46
    Total carbonates    µg/m3       Aerosols  47
                PM10    µg/m3       Aerosols  48
          Wind speed      m/s          Meteo  49
      Wind direction        °          Meteo  50
         Temperature       °C          Meteo  51
   Relative humidity        %          Meteo  52
                Rain       mm          Meteo  53

Data from sixteen sites are available, and these are:

         Site name       Location            Type  Longitude  Latitude  Altitude  ID
           Agoufou           Mali     Dry savanna     0.6667   15.1500     300.0   1
        Katibougou           Mali     Dry savanna    -7.5333   12.9333     290.0   2
  Banizoumbou (LA)          Niger     Dry savanna     2.4667   13.5167     220.0   3
           Djougou          Benin     Wet Savanna     1.9167    9.6667     430.0   4
             Lamto  Cote d'Ivoire     Wet Savanna    -5.0333    6.2167     105.0   5
           Zoetele       Cameroon          Forest    11.9667    3.1667     720.0   6
           Bomassa          Congo          Forest    16.3333    2.2000     350.0   7
   Louis Trichardt   South Africa     Dry savanna    30.0000  -23.0000    1465.0   8
        Amersfoort   South Africa     Dry savanna    29.8667  -27.0667    1646.0   9
        Cape Point   South Africa  Coastal marine    18.483   -34.3500     230.0  10
            M'Bour        Senegal             NaN   -16.9600   14.3900       NaN  11
           Cinzana           Mali             NaN    -5.9333   13.2833     285.0  12
            Bambey        Senegal             NaN   -16.4700   14.7000      31.0  13
Banizoumbou (Lisa)          Niger             NaN     2.6600   13.5400       NaN  14
           Skukuza   South Africa     Dry savanna    31.583   -24.9833     267.0  15
          Medenine        Tunisia     Dry savanna    10.6333   33.5000      90.0  16

Note: All parameters are not available from all sites. The package does not contain this information. Thus, if you use the script "get_indaaf_data" to get data from a parameter that is not available from a site, the script will try to retrieve this data, but no data will of course be retrieved and you will get a warning message that data are not available.

You need to create a file named ".indaafconfig" in your home directory in order to use the script "get_infaaf_data", and the file must contain the following data:

    "user": "your indaaf user here",
    "password": "your indaaf password here"

You can register on the INDAAF site in order to get an account.

The obsdata package can also be used interactively:

>>> from obsdata import indaaf_config

# print available datasets
>>>for dataset in indaaf_config.DATASETS:
...    print(dataset)
{'name': 'Precipitation', 'href': '/catalog/dataset/1', ...}
{'name': 'Gas', 'href': '/catalog/dataset/2', ...}
{'name': 'Aerosols', 'href': '/catalog/dataset/3', ...}
{'name': 'Meteo', 'href': '/catalog/dataset/4', ...}

# get all site codes
>>>site_codes = indaaf_config.get_all_site_codes()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

# get site information
>>>site_info = indaaf_config.get_site_info(1)
>>> site_info
SiteInfo(country='Mali', site='Agoufou', code='1', classification='Dry savanna',
latitude=15.15, longitude=0.6667, altitude=300.0)

# get all parameters of a dataset
>>>parameters = indaaf_config.get_all_parameters('Meteo')
['Wind speed', 'Wind direction', 'Temperature', 'Relative humidity', 'Rain']

Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN)

The package contains an executable script for getting data from CAPMoN, and the usage is described below:

usage: get_capmon_data [-h] [-e DATA_FORMAT] [-q OUT_DIR] [-x CSV_DIR]
                       dataset_id site-code parameter-code start-date

positional arguments:
  dataset_id            dataset_id. e.g 'CAPMoN_Ozone'
  site-code             capmon site code, e.g. CAPMCANS1KEJ for 'Kejimkujik
                      National Park'
  parameter-code        parameter code e.g. O3
  start-date            start date, format YYYY-MM-DD
  end-date              end date, format YYYY-MM-DD

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e DATA_FORMAT, --data-format DATA_FORMAT
                        data format for saving file (nc or dat), default is
  -q OUT_DIR, --datadir-for-save OUT_DIR
                        data directory for saving output, default is /tmp
  -x CSV_DIR, --datadir-for-csv CSV_DIR
                        data directory for saving indaaf csv files, default is

and the script can e.g. be invoked by:

get_capmon_data CAPMoN_Precip_Chemistry CAPMCANS1KEJ "Cl-" 1986-01-01 1995-12-31

CAPMoN provides a number of different datasets, but this package is currenlty only configured to handle two of these datasets, and these are:

  • CAPMoN_Ozone: hourly 'O3' data from 1988 and onwards
  • CAPMoN_Precip_Chemistry: daily data of 'Ca2+', 'Cl-', 'H+', 'K+', 'Mg2+', 'NH4+', 'NO3-', 'Na+', 'SO42-', 'nss-SO42-', and 'pH' from 1983 and onwards

The 26 sites associated to the CAPMoN_Ozone dataset are (more information can be found in the package data/capmon_ozone_sites.csv file):

          SiteID                      SiteName
0   CAPMCANS1KEJ      Kejimkujik National Park
1   CAPMCAON1ALG                        Algoma
2   CAPMCAON1CHA                   Chalk River
3   CAPMCAON1EGB                        Egbert
4   CAPMCAON1ELA       Experimental Lakes Area
5   CAPMCAON1LON                     Longwoods
6   CAPMCAPQ1CPS                       Chapais
7   CAPMCAPQ1MTM                   Montmorency
8   CAPMCAPQ1SUT                        Sutton
9   CAPMCABC1SAT                       Saturna
10  CAPMCANU1ALT                         Alert
11  CAPMCAAB1EST                        Esther
12  CAPMCAON2EGB    Egbert - Duplicate Sampler
13  CAPMCASK1BRA                  Bratt's Lake
14  CAPMCANL1GOS                     Goose Bay
15  CAPMCANT1SNA                  Snare Rapids
16  CAPMCAON1FRA                    Fraserdale
17  CAPMCAPQ1FRE                  Frelighsburg
18  CAPMCAPQ1MIN                        Mingan
19  CAPMCAQC1RTR                Roundtop Ridge
20  CAPMCAON1BON                   Bonner Lake
21  CAPMCAON1PKL                   Pickle Lake
22  CAPMCAON1EGP            Egbert - Precision
23  CAPMCAAB1WBP    Wood Buffalo National Park
24  CAPMCASK1PHL                Pinehouse Lake
25  CAPMCANS1KEB  Kejimkujik National Park - B

The 59 sites associated to the CAPMoN_Precip_Chemistry dataset are (more information can be found in the package data/capmon_precip_chemistry_sites.csv file):

          SiteID                                      SiteName
0   CAPMCAMB1ISL                                   Island Lake
1   CAPMCAMB1MCC                                      McCreary
2   CAPMCANB1HAR                                      Harcourt
3   CAPMCANL1BAY                                  Bay d'Espoir
4   CAPMCANL2COR                                   Cormack - B
5   CAPMCANL1GOS                                     Goose Bay
6   CAPMCANS1JAC                                       Jackson
7   CAPMCANS1KEJ                      Kejimkujik National Park
8   CAPMCANS2KEJ  Kejimkujik National Park - Duplicate Sampler
9   CAPMCAON1ALG                                        Algoma
10  CAPMCAON1BON                                   Bonner Lake
11  CAPMCAON1CHA                                   Chalk River
12  CAPMCAON1DOR                                        Dorset
13  CAPMCAON1ELA                       Experimental Lakes Area
14  CAPMCAON1LON                                     Longwoods
15  CAPMCAON1PCK                                   Pickle Lake
16  CAPMCAON1PRI                                    Priceville
17  CAPMCAON2PRI                Priceville - Duplicate Sampler
18  CAPMCAON1WAR           Warsaw Caves Conservation Authority
19  CAPMCAPQ1MTM                                   Montmorency
20  CAPMCAPQ1PCA                                  Port Cartier
21  CAPMCAPQ1SUT                                        Sutton
22  CAPMCAPQ2SUT                    Sutton - Duplicate Sampler
23  CAPMCASK1CRE                                     Cree Lake
24  CAPMUSPA1PEN                 Pennsylvania State University
25  CAPMCAAB1EST                                        Esther
26  CAPMCAPQ1CPS                                       Chapais
27  CAPMCANB2HAR                  Harcourt - Duplicate Sampler
28  CAPMCANL2GOB                  Goose Bay - B (Happy Valley)
29  CAPMCANT1SNA                                  Snare Rapids
30  CAPMCAON2BON              Bonner Lake  - Duplicate Sampler
31  CAPMCAON1EGB                                        Egbert
32  CAPMCAON1PNT                                   Point Petre
33  CAPMCABC1SAT                                       Saturna
34  CAPMCANL2BAB                              Bay d'Espoir - B
35  CAPMCAON1BNT                                  Burnt Island
36  CAPMCANB1HAB                                  Harcourt - B
37  CAPMCAPQ1MIN                                        Mingan
38  CAPMCAAB2EST                    Esther - Duplicate Sampler
39  CAPMCANS1SBK                                    Sherbrooke
40  CAPMCAON2EGB                    Egbert - Duplicate Sampler
41  CAPMCASK1BRA                                  Bratt's Lake
42  CAPMCAPQ1FRE                                  Frelighsburg
43  CAPMCAPQ1LED                                  Lake Edouard
44  CAPMCAON1PKL                               Pickle Lake - B
45  CAPMCAON1SPR                                    Sprucedale
46  CAPMCAPQ1LGR                                   La Grande-4
47  CAPMCAON1WPT                                      Westport
48  CAPMCAON1MTR                                  Marten River
49  CAPMCASK1CLF                                    Cluff Lake
50  CAPMCAON1KNG                      Kinghurst Forest Reserve
51  CAPMCASK1IFL                                  Island Falls
52  CAPMCAON1LLC                                       Longlac
53  CAPMCANT1WBP                    Wood Buffalo National Park
54  CAPMCASK1FLX                     Flat Valley--Experimental
55  CAPMCASK1PHL                                Pinehouse Lake
56  CAPMCANS1KEB                  Kejimkujik National Park - B
57  CAPMCAPQ1FRB                              Frelighsburg - B
58  CAPMCASK1FLV                                   Flat Valley

CAPMoN provides data from these two datasets in one file per year including data of all species and all sites (that were operating this year). The script get_capmon_data downloads and saves such files locally, if not already downloaded. This means that if you run get_capmon_data twice and asking for data from the same dataset, the second run will take less time.

The obsdata package can also be used interactively:

>>> from obsdata import capmon_config

# print available datasets
>>>for dataset in capmon_config.DATASETS:
...    print(dataset)
{'name': 'CAPMoN_Ozone', 'parameters': ['O3'], ...}
{'name': 'CAPMoN_Precip_Chemistry', 'parameters': ['Ca2+', 'Cl-', 'H+', ...], ...}

# get all site codes for a specific dataset
>>>site_codes = capmon_config.get_all_site_codes('CAPMoN_Ozone')

# get site information
>>>site_info = capmon_config.get_site_info('CAPMoN_Ozone', 'CAPMCANS1KEJ')
SiteInfo(country='CA (CANADA)', site='Kejimkujik National Park', code='CAPMCANS1KEJ',
classification='Rural', latitude=44.43244, longitude=-65.20264, altitude=159,
sampling_heights='1988-2004: 2.0m')

The obsdata package can probably quite easily be configured to handle more datasets from CAPMoN. The same code is handling the two datasets described above, and can therefore probably handle more datasets. The configuration consists of adding a definition of an additional dataset in the dictionary "datasets" in obsdata/, and adding a data/{newdataset}_sites.csv file. The obsdata/capmon_data module contains a function create_sites_file that can create such a csv file.

Data format description

Tables below describes a data file format specified in GAW Report no. 188 and this format is used here. The file format consists of a header part and a data part and employs an ASCII encodeing.


Line Header item Content
01 TITLE: Observation title (parameter, temporal representative, etc.)
02 FILE NAME: File name
03 DATA FORMAT: Format version of this file that is given by the WDCGG
04 TOTAL LINES: Number of total lines
05 HEADER LINES: Number of header lines
06 DATA VERSION: Data version of measurement data (see Section 5.2). The version is given by the WDCGG, and managed using the date.
07 STATION NAME: Name of the station where the data were observed
08 STATION CATEGORY: GAW station category
09 OBSERVATION CATEGORY: Observation category defined in Section 3.3 (empty in meteorological data)
10 COUNTRY/TERRITORY: The name of the country/territory where the station is located, or to which the ship or aircraft belongs is described here.
11 CONTRIBUTOR: See section 2.2.1. (empty in meteorological data)
12 LATITUDE (degree): Latitude of the station location (decimal)
13 LONGITUDE (degree): Longitude of the station location (decimal)
14 ALTITUDE (m): Altitude of the station above sea level
15 NUMBER OF SAMPLING HEIGHTS: The number of sampling heights from the ground for vertical profile observation. Unity for ground based observation. (empty in meteorological data)
16 SAMPLING HEIGHTS (m): The heights of the sampling intake from the ground. In the case of vertical profile observation, the heights are arranged in decreasing order (empty in meteorological data)
17 CONTACT POINT: E-mail address, fax number, or telephone number of Contact person for measurement (empty in meteorological data)
18 PARAMETER: Observation parameter
19 COVERING PERIOD: Period of time in which measurement data are included.
20 TIME INTERVAL: Temporal resolution of each measurement datum.
21 MEASUREMENT UNIT: Unit of the mole fractions. (empty in meteorological data)
22 MEASUREMENT METHOD: Measurement method employed. (empty in meteorological data)
23 SAMPLING TYPE: See [Sampling type] in Annex 3. (empty in meteorological data)
24 TIME ZONE: Reported time zone with reference to UTC
25 REFERENCE SCALE: Scale (traceability) employed in the measurement. (empty in meteorological data)
26 - 29 CREDIT FOR USE: This is a formal notification for data users. "For scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement must be made to the data providers or owners and the data centre when these data areused within a publication.
30 COMMENTS: Any comments necessary for data usage are described. A definition of remarks (see Section 2.6 and Table 8) is described if needed.


Item name Number of digits "No Data" Content Supplementary explanation
DATE 10 9999-99-99 Beginning date of measurement (YYYY-MM-DD) 7 digits are used only for ice core to represent estimated year. The date for a monthly mean is the first date of the month. For example, 2005-02-01 is used for the monthly mean in February 2005.
TIME 5 99:99 Beginning time of measurement (hh:mm) The time for a monthly or daily mean is represented as 00:00.
DATE 10 9999-99-99 End date of measurement (YYYY-MM-DD) In the case of a continuous observation, end date is filled with ‘9999-99-99’.
TIME 5 99:99 End time of measurement (hh:mm) In the case of a continuous observation, end time is filled with ‘99:99’.
DATA 10 -99999.999 Mole fractions 16 digits are used only for VOCs
ND 5 -9999 Number of data used to average the data  
SD 7 -999.99 Standard deviation  
F 5 -9999 Data flag The details of data flags should be specified by the Contributor in the metadata.
CS 2 -9 Calculation Status indicating who provides the data. “0” means the Contributor. “1” means the WDCGG. This value is added by the WDCGG.
REM 9 -99999999 Data remarks Additional information on data to be included. The definition is described under “COMMENTS” of the header part.


C01 TITLE: OCf daily mean data


C03 DATA FORMAT: Version 1.0






C09 OBSERVATION CATEGORY: Air sampling observation at a stationary platform


C11 CONTRIBUTOR: improve

C12 LATITUDE: 43.74350

C13 LONGITUDE: -101.94120






C19 COVERING PERIOD: 2017-01-01 2017-01-31




C23 SAMPLING TYPE: continuous



C26 CREDIT FOR USE: This is a formal notification for data users. 'For scientific purposes, access to these data is unlimited

C27 and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact

C28 with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgement

C29 must be made to the data providers or owners and the data centre when these data are used within a publication.'




2017-01-04 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.398 -9999 0.09 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-07 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.495 -9999 0.09 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-10 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.658 -9999 0.10 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-13 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.851 -9999 0.11 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-16 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.483 -9999 0.09 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-19 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.779 -9999 0.10 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-22 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.431 -9999 0.09 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-25 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.175 -9999 0.08 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-28 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.213 -9999 0.08 8 -9 -99999999

2017-01-31 00:00 9999-99-99 99:99 0.210 -9999 0.08 8 -9 -99999999

File name convention

The following file naming convention is used (inspired by the GAW Report no. 188):

[Station code].[Contributor].[Observation category].[Sampling type].[Parameter].[Auxiliary item].[Data type].dat

An example is:

[Station code]:

e.g. badl1


e.g. improve

[Observation category]:

  • as: Air observation at a stationary platform
  • am: Air observation by a mobile platform
  • ap: Vertical profile observation of air
  • tc: Total column observation at a stationary platform
  • hy: Hydrographic observation by ships
  • ic: Ice core observation
  • sf: Observation of surface seawater and overlying air

[Sampling type]:

  • cn: Continuous or quasi-continuous in situ measurement
  • fl: Analysis of air samples in flasks
  • fi: Filter measurement
  • rs: Remote sensing
  • ic: Analysis of ice core samples
  • bo: Analysis of samples in bottles
  • ot: Other


e.g. ocf

[Auxiliary item]:

If a data file is NOT identified uniquely with the codes above, this field is filled with some characters to give a unique filename. Most files have nl in this field, which means NULL.

[Data type]:

  • ev: Event sampling data
  • om: One-minute mean data
  • tm: Ten-minute mean data
  • hrxxxx: Hourly mean data observed in the year xxxx
  • da: Daily mean data
  • mo: Monthly mean data
  • an: Annual mean data

Status flags

The description of the various status flags are dot described in the header of the data file. Table below describes status flages deployed by the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database.

Status Flag Description
H1 / 0 Historical data that have not been assessed or validated.
I0 / 1 Invalid value - unknown reason
I1 / 2 Invalid value - known reason
I2 / 3 Invalid value (-999), though sample-level flag seems valid (SEM)
M1 / 4 Missing value because no value is available
M2 / 5 Missing value because invalidated by data originator
M3 / 6 Missing value due to clogged filter
NA / 7 Not available from source data
V0 / 8 Valid value
V1 / 9 Valid value but comprised wholly or partially of below detection limit data
V2 / 10 Valid estimated value
V3 / 11 Valid interpolated value
V4 / 12 Valid value despite failing to meet some QC or statistical criteria
V5 / 13 Valid value but qualified because of possible contamination
V6 / 14 Valid value but qualified due to non-standard sampling conditions
V7 / 15 Valid value set equal to the detection limit (DL) since the value was below the DL
VM / 16 Valid modeled value
VS / 17 Valid substituted value


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