Flexbox in Objective-C, using Facebook's css-layout.
Inspired by React Native.
- Flexbox is the best way to layout in mobile platform. So many popular libraries use it, eg: componentkit, AsyncDisplayKit, React Native, weex and so on.
- React Native,weex and
are based on the C implementation of facebook/css-layout. - Some code references from React Native, eg: snapping to the pixel grid(No misaligned images to improve drawing performance]).
also can be used for layout calculation only. Every layout associated with a view usually, the calculation updates frames of layouts. You can use the frames directly or change them. with your mind.MLTagViewFrameRecord
can preserve current topology of layouts or views. A prerequisite is that each has a valid tag.- Using
related TableView and TableViewCell can ensure the layout calculation for one row would not be excuted twice unless reloading it explicitly. The feather can improve scrolling performance greatly.
FlexBox Guide
: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
- Flexbox是现今移动端最优的布局方式,像componentkit, AsyncDisplayKit, React Native, weex等等优秀的开源库都在使用此种布局方式。
- React Native和weex以及
都一样是基于facebook开源facebook/css-layout的c实现。 MLLayout
的一些代码实现是借鉴于React Native,例如布局计算结果进行默认像素对齐,提升渲染性能。MLLayout
: http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2015/07/flex-grammar.html?utm_source=tuicool
Simple demo below:
MLLayout *bkgViewLayout = [MLLayout layoutWithTagView:_bkgView block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
l.marginLeft = l.marginRight = 10.0f;
//test for round pixel
l.padding = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10.34f, 15.37f, 10.5608f, 15.3567f);
l.flexDirection = MLLayoutFlexDirectionColumn;
l.alignItems = MLLayoutAlignmentCenter;
l.alignSelf = MLLayoutAlignmentCenter;
l.sublayouts = @[
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:_firstLabel block:nil],
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:_secondLabel block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
l.marginTop = 10.0f; //space
l.flex = -1;
_layout = [MLLayout layoutWithTagView:self.view block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
l.flexDirection = MLLayoutFlexDirectionColumn;
l.justifyContent = MLLayoutJustifyContentCenter;
l.alignItems = MLLayoutAlignmentCenter;
l.sublayouts = @[
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:nil block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
//test MLLayoutPositionAbsolute
l.position = MLLayoutPositionAbsolute;
l.bottom = 20.0f;
l.right = 20.0;
l.flexDirection = MLLayoutFlexDirectionColumn;
l.sublayouts = @[
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:_button block:nil],
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:displaySwitchButton block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
l.marginTop = 10.0f;
[MLLayout layoutWithTagView:_imageView block:^(MLLayout * _Nonnull l) {
//test MLLayoutPositionRelative
l.position = MLLayoutPositionRelative;
l.bottom = 10.0f;
The demo uses MLLayout
to layout subviews of cells and MLTagViewFrameRecord
to preserve all layout result. Ensure that the layout calculation for one row would not be excuted twice unless reloading it explicitly. The feature can improve scrolling performance greatly.
- Add
pod 'MLLayout'
to your Podfile. - Run
pod install
orpod update
. - Import <MLLayout/MLLayout.h>.
This library requires iOS 7.0+
and Xcode 7.0+
MLLayout is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.