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Getting Started


  • This requires Maven and Java 17 or higher.
  • MongoDB 6.0 or higher as a Replica set - either MongoDB Atlas or start a single node replica set locally.
  • Do not use MongoDB atlas cluster sizes < M30 for any sort of performance testing as these are throttled


There are two parts to this - a web service that implements functionality for maintaining bank balances along with transaction and balance histories and a test harness to provide a test load for that web service. This is supporting material for the blog post published at XXXXX looking at design options and performance tuning for Spring boot based services and MongoDB.

Edit src/main/java/com/mongodb/johnlpage/mongoBalanceControlles/resources/ to add your MongoDB conneciton details and also the number of accounts you want in your sample data and the number of transactions per account a call to bootstrap should add on average.


Build with

 mvn package 

Run with

java -jar target/mongoBalanceService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

To build the testharness use

cd testharness && mvn package && cd ..


The service implements multiple versions of the code as different endpoints to allow a single build to compare different models You can post a transaction document or if you do not the service will generate a random one for test purposes.

The endpoints implemented are

Process a transaction

POST /transaction

POST /v2/transaction

POT /v3/transaction

Process many transactions to bulk load data

POST /bootstrap

POST /v2/bootstrap

POST /v3/bootstrap

Fetch the balance for an account and the last 10 transactions

GET /balance/{accountid}

Fetch a specific transaction

GET /transaction/{transactionid}

GET /transaction/{accountId}/{transactionId}

The latter case be used in a sharded cluster to allow us to shard data by accountId as that would be the appropriate shard key, not transactionid (unless transacitonid included account information)

Fetch n transactions from an account in reverse time order from the given time and transaction number

This is used for paging - the transactionnumer is used to differentiate when two have the saem timestamp

GET /transactions/{accountId}?fromDate=yyyyMMddHHmmss&fromId=NNNNNNNNNN&n=10

Endpoint Examples

Autogenerate a test transaction

curl -d '{}'  -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -X POST http://localhost:8080/transaction

Load a Specific transaction (TransactionId must be unique and as it's a long supplied as a string to avoid JSON rounding)

export TXN='{"transactionId":"170963189769800046","customerId":4835458,"accountId":1611819,"reference":"","ammount":122.60,"transactionDate":"2016-08-13T21:28:04.639+00:00","transactionType":"DEPOSIT","flags":[],"iban":"XX707976139561090747"}'

curl -d "$TXN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -X POST http://localhost:8080/transaction

Bootstrap load a bunch of test transactions (see )

curl -d '{}'  -H "Content-Type: application/json"   -X POST http://localhost:8080/bootstrap

Get a Transaction

curl http://localhost:8080/transaction/170963189769800044

Get a Transaction including AcountId to optimse in sharded cluster

curl http://localhost:8080/transaction/1611819/170963189769800044

Get Balance for an account

curl http://localhost:8080/balance/1611819

Get a Set of Transactions for an account from a given date, Pageable by supplying date and id of last transactions

# Get last 10
curl "http://localhost:8080/transactions/1000009"
#Get last 3
curl "http://localhost:8080/transactions/1000009?n=3"
#Get 3 from date supplies as YYYYmmDDHHMMSS
curl "http://localhost:8080/transactions/1000009?n=3&fromDate=20231201041259
#Get 3 from date supplies as YYYYmmDDHHMMSS after Transaction supplied (Used when paging)
curl "http://localhost:8080/transactions/1000009?n=3&fromDate=20231201041259&fromId=170963472448900030"

Using the testharness

The testharness code use

cd testharness
java -jar ServiceText.jar [GET_]<url> [ numThreads(4) ] [ numCallsPerThread (1000) ]

This will call the specified URL with the specified number of threads the number of calls per thread, it will POST unless the ulr is prefixe by GET_

It will then output max, mean and 95th centile response times as well as total time.


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