Based on Arduino-tiny core with Attiny1634 support (
The folder tree contains 3rd party hardware specification for monoxit education hardware module and arduino-tiny core with Attiny1634 support. The tree is designed for Arduino IDE 1.5.7 (or later possibly).
- Place monoxit folder under Arduino sketchbook hardware folder. The current sketchbook folder is found by Arduino IDE property dialog. If there is not already a hardware folder in sketchbook folder, create it.
- Place TinySafeBoot software modified for bluetooth connection ( in monoxit\tiny\tools\tsb.
- (Optional) Place TinySafeBoot bootloader modified for Attiny1634 ( in monoxit\tiny\bootloader\tsb.
- Set TSB timeout to reasonable value (e.g. 3 to 6 sec) after writing bootloader.
- Autoreset support on Bluetooth SPP connection. (Hardware enhancement: CON-NOT-0.1uF-(10K pull-up)RST)
- linux verification.
- OSX verification.
arduino-tiny core license: license.txt