- Install Apache2 with WSGI support:
- apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
- Install dependencies to compile psycopg2:
- apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2
- Install Python PIP and update it:
- apt-get install python-pip
- pip install -U pip
- Install python virtualenv:
- pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtualenv for the deploy
- mkdir /usr/local/django/
- virtualenv /usr/local/django/colab/
- Download the colab src code:
- hg clone https://bitbucket.org/seocam/atu-colab /usr/local/src/colab/
- Install the django site:
- pip install /usr/local/src/colab -E /usr/local/django/colab/
- Configure your database settings in /usr/local/django/colab/lib/python2.6/site-packages/settings_local.py
- Enable the colab site on apache and reload it:
- ln -s /usr/local/django/colab/apache-site/colab /etc/apache2/sites-available
- a2ensite colab
- service apache2 restart
- Install postfix and mailutils:
- apt-get install mailutils postfix
- Update the file /etc/aliases adding users that should receive root's messages and run the update command:
- newaliases
- Install sshfs:
- apt-get install sshfs autofs
- Create SSH keys. You should use a password but this tutorial won't cover it (if you use you will need to install and configure keychain process to be able to proceed):
- ssh-keygen
- Copy the content of your key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) to the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on the mailinglist server.
- Append the following content to /etc/auto.master file:
- /usr/local/django/colab/mnt /usr/local/django/colab/autofs/listas --timeout=600,--ghost
- Restart autofs:
- service autofs restart
- Link cron script into /etc/cron.d/ folder:
- ln -s /usr/local/django/colab/cron.d/colab_import_emails /etc/cron.d/
- From now on the emails should be imported every minute
- Install wget:
- apt-get install wget
- Link cron script into /etc/cron.d/ folder:
- ln -s /usr/local/django/colab/cron.d/colab_solr_reindex /etc/cron.d/
- From now on delta reindex should run every 10 minutes and full reindex once a day.
- Update the source code:
- cd /usr/local/src/colab/
- hg pull
- hg up
- pip install /usr/local/src/colab/ -E /usr/local/django/colab/ -U
- service apache2 restart