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PayU payments driver and Livewire component for Lunar, the Laravel e-commerce package

MIT Licensed

Lunar is a leading package that brings e-commerce functionality to Laravel.

PayU is a payment provider that offers support for a diverse range of payment methods.

This addon provides an implementation of Lunar's AbstractPayment interface for PayU, and a payment component to be used in your storefront. It is built using Laravel Livewire and Tailwind.


  • Lunar >= 0.4
  • A PayU account
  • Laravel Livewire (if using frontend components)


Require the composer package

composer require morawcik/lunar-payu

Publish the configuration

This will publish the configuration under config/lunar/payu.php.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.payu.config

Publish the views (optional)

Lunar PayU comes with a helper component for you to use on your checkout, if you intend to edit the views it provides, you can publish them.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.payu.components

Publish the translations (optional)

The checkout component uses translations for the buttons, payment methods, etc. If you want to edit these, you can publish them.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lunar.payu.translations

Enable the driver

Set the driver in config/lunar/payments.php


return [
    // ...
    'types' => [
        'payu' => [
            'driver' => 'payu',

Add your PayU credentials and other config

Take a look at the configuration in config/payu.php. Where approriate, edit or set the environment variables in your .env file. At least the keys will need to be set.


Keys and IDs can be found in your PayU account.

Storefront Usage

This addon provides a payment component to be used in your storefront. It is built using Laravel Livewire and Tailwind. Make sure these dependencies are installed and configured before continuing.

Add the payment component

Wherever you want the payment form to appear, add this component:

@livewire('payu.payment', [
    'cart' => $cart,

If you are using Lunar's Livewire Starter Kit, you can add this code to the payment.blade.php view, e.g.:

<div class="bg-white border border-gray-100 rounded-xl">
    <div class="flex items-center h-16 px-6 border-b border-gray-100">
        <h3 class="text-lg font-medium">

    @if ($currentStep >= $step)
        <div class="p-6 space-y-4">
            @livewire('payu.payment', [
                'cart' => $cart,


By default, the component will just show a Proceed to payment button, redirecting the user to PayU's hosted payment method selection screen.


PayU will send a webhook to your application after every payment attempt (whether successful or not). The route and logic for handling this webhook is already implemented. If you prefer to write your own logic however, you can create a named route for this yourself, and change the webhook_route config value to the name of your route.

Implement the redirect routes

After a payment attempt, PayU will redirect the user back to your application. By default, the PayuRedirectController will handle this redirect and redirect the user to the checkout success or failure pages. If you want to implement your own logic, you can create a named route for this yourself, and change the redirect_route config value to the name of your route.

While the PayuRedirectController is already implemented by the package, this is just a pass-through controller that will redirect the user to the checkout success or failure pages. These status pages are not implemented by the package, since they probably are specific to your theme. There are 2 statuses that need a page: paid and failed (also for canceled). You need to create named routes for these yourself, named checkout-success.view and checkout-failure.view respectively. You can change these names in the config if you want to.

    'payment_paid_route' => 'checkout-success.view',
    'payment_failed_route' => 'checkout-failure.view',

Here is an example of how a component for the checkout success page could look like:



namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;
use Lunar\Facades\CartSession;
use Lunar\Models\Cart;
use Lunar\Models\Order;

class CheckoutSuccessPage extends Component
    public ?Cart $cart;

    public Order $order;

    public function mount()
        $this->cart = CartSession::current();

        if (! $this->cart || ! $this->cart->completedOrder) {

        $this->order = $this->cart->completedOrder;


    public function render()
        return view('livewire.checkout-success-page');

<section class="bg-white">
    <div class="max-w-screen-xl px-4 py-32 mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:px-8 lg:py-48">
        <div class="max-w-xl mx-auto text-center">
            <h1 class="mt-8 text-3xl font-extrabold sm:text-5xl">
                <span class="block mt-1 text-blue-500">
                    Thank you for your order

            <p class="mt-4 font-medium sm:text-lg">
                Your order reference number is

                    {{ $order->reference }}

            <a class="inline-block px-8 py-3 mt-8 text-sm font-medium text-center text-white bg-blue-600 rounded-lg hover:ring-1 hover:ring-blue-600"
               href="{{ url('/') }}">
                Back Home

Route::get('checkout/success', \App\Http\Livewire\CheckoutSuccessPage::class)->name('checkout-success.view');

You can do something similar for the other status pages.


Contributions are welcome, if you are thinking of adding a feature, please submit an issue first.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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