This is a Ruby script that takes a text file containing up to 80 QR code values and generates a letter-sized PDF page with up to 10 rows and 8 columns of QR code images. The main purpose of this script is to lay out up to 80 munzees on a page for printing.
Run the following:
git clone
cd munzee-pdf
bundle install
To get the QR code values, it may be helpful to install the MunzeePrint userscript.
Once you've done so, navigate to the Munzee batch print page. Filter and select the Munzees you wish to print and click on "Get barcode values". Copy the QR code values and save them to a text file.
Let's say you've saved the QR code values to codes.txt.
Then run the following to generate the PDF file:
bundle exec createpdf.rb codes.txt munzee.pdf
Then you can view and print munzee.pdf.