UExtend is a extend for Unity3d.This project's goal is to create a lightweight Unity3d developmend expand which help programmer work more easy.
You can clone the project, and run the scene under the Example folder. The core code is in UExtend,you can just import this folder.
Generally, you can describ before the core file of the model.
There are some overview:
##1. MVC Modle##
//regist listener
Messenger.AddListener<string> ("testMsg",OnTestMessage);
//Complete the function
void OnTestMessage(string str)
Debug.Log ("recv Message"+str);
//send message
Messenger.Broadcast<string>("testMsg","Hi Message");
MySingleton gm = Singleton.getInstance ("MySingleton") as MySingleton;
Based on Abstract Factory,every controller should be implement the OperateController
The TestController
is the class which manage the all kinds of OperateController
.It also receive the user input operate,choosing the controller to use.
1.define yourself as a Logger :
public static Logger fansy = new Logger("fansy");
2.define logger in DEFAULT_LOG_INFOS :
new LogInfo("fansy", true,true,true,LogLevel.Debug)
3.call Log:
Log.fansy.Print("yoyo check now");
Load the Asset from the Resources
or StreamingAssets
It alse include the file operation,such as: copy to Resouces, make AssetBundle.
1.You can use LoadGameObject() to load the GameObject from the AssetBundle:
2.Then to implement the callback:
void onLoaded(string name, Object go, object callbackData)
Log.fansy.ScreenPrint ("load call back!");
3.You can use LoadConfig to load Object File
AssetLoader.Get().LoadConfig("log",new AssetLoader.ObjectCallback(this.onConfig));
4.Then to implement the callback
void onConfig(string name, Object obj, object callbackData)
Log.fansy.ScreenPrint ("config call back!");
Log.fansy.ScreenPrint (obj.ToString());