This repository privides some python scripts and jupyter notebooks to train and evaluate convolutional neural networks which count cars from COWC aerial images.
$ PROJ_DIR=~/cowc_car_counting # assuming you clone this repo to your home directory
$ git clone $PROJ_DIR
Download COWC aerial images and annotations from FTP server.
$ cd $PROJ_DIR/src/data
$ bash
Build docker image to setup the environment to preprocess COWC dataset and train/evaluate convolutional neural networks.
$ cd $PROJ_DIR/docker
$ bash
In case you don't want to use docker, you have to install additional dependencies described in Dockerfile.
Generate crops from COWC train/val scenes defined in this text file.
Run docker container by following:
$ cd $PROJ_DIR/docker
$ bash
Now you should be inside the docker container you ran. Generate train/val crops by following:
$(docker) cd /workspace/src/features
$(docker) python
In $PROJ_DIR/data/cowc_processed/train_val/crop/data
you should find many crops in which image and label are placed side by side like shown below.
If you are interested in how train/val crops are sampled,
please see this notebook.
Then, compute mean image over train crops. This will be used to normalize crops before input them to the network.
$(docker) cd /workspace/src/features
$(docker) python
I reccomend you to use pretrained ResNet50 caffemodel to initialize model weights. It makes training much faster and the model more accurate.
Download ResNet-50-model.caffemodel
from OneDrive download
of this page.
Then, move this file under $PROJ_DIR/models/caffemodels
by following:
$ mkdir -p $PROJ_DIR/models/caffemodels
$ cd <directory in which ResNet-50-model.caffemodel is placed>
$ cp ResNet-50-model.caffemodel $PROJ_DIR/models/caffemodels
Train ResNet50 with generated crop images by following:
$(docker) cd /workspace/src/models
$(docker) python --caffemodel ../../models/caffemodels/ResNet-50-model.caffemodel
If you want to train from scratch:
$(docker) cd /workspace/src/models
$(docker) python
You can check training status and validation accuracy from TensorBoard:
# Open another terminal window outside the container and type:
$ cd $PROJ_DIR/docker
$ bash
# Now you should be inside the container already running. Start TensorBoard by following:
$(docker) tensorboard --logdir /workspace/models
Then, open http://localhost:6006
from your browser.
Evaluate ResNet50 with jupyter notebook.
Launch jupyter notebook by flollowing:
$(docker) cd /workspace/notebooks
$(docker) jupyter notebook
Then, open http://localhost:8888
from your browser.
Note that you may need to modify the path to pre-trained model defined in the notebooks below.
Open this notebook to see quantitative evaluation on the test scenes defined in this text file.
Open this notebook to see qualitative evaluation on a test scene.
Distribusion of the cars counted by the network in a test scene (Salt Lake City):
Open this notebook to see class activation mapping on validation crops.
Output examples: