Hi, I'm Sai Mounika, a Computer Science Grad🚀 from India, working at @Adobe. Beside's programming, I enjoy reading books and sketching. 🎨 I'm always open to new opportunites. I'm a passionate🥇, creative🎨 and perceptive🔭 engineer🔧 with a hands-on approach to problem-solving and an unending thirst for knowledge🎓.
I create inspiring and eye catching visuals, you can check them out here
- 🔭 Currently working at Adobe, Noida.
- 📚 Graduated from Shiv Nadar University with a Major in Computer Science and Minor in Design.
- 🖇 Previously interned at Dell Technologies and RSA Securities.
- 🌱 My current tech stack: C++, JavaScript, React.
- 👯 I'm interested in topics at the intersection of Design and technology.
- 🦾 Areas of Interest: Human Computer Interaction, Graphics, Animation and Visualization.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I can align elements in CSS all by myself.
- 💻 Anything and everything that can be classified as technology fascinates me