Software Developer at Universidad Mayor de San Andres
const jodamaqui = {
principles: {
YAGNI: "You arent gonna need it",
SOC: "Separation of concerns",
LOD: "Low of demeter",
KISS: "Keep it simple stupid",
DRY: "Dont repeat yourself",
"Single Responsability Open",
"Closes Principle",
"Liskov Substitution",
"Interface Segregation",
"Dependency Inversion"
] ,
code: {
languages: [Javascript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Python, Java, Dart, Php],
technologies: {
frontend: [
ReactJs, Angular, VanillaJs, ReactNative, Ionic, Flutter
design: ['CSS Pure', Tailwindcss, Bootstrap, Styled, Figma, 'UX/UI'],
backend: [
NodeJs, Nestjs, 'Loopback 4', Expressjs, Prisma, SpringBoot, Flask, Laravel
testing: [Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme],
automation: [GithubActions, JMeter, Cypress],
qa: ['Case Tests', Mantis],
devOps: [AWS, GCP, IBMCloud, ],
adminitration: [
Trello, Jira, ClickUp, FocusToDo, Scrum, Kanban
others: [GraphQL, ApolloClient, ApolloServer, Webpack, Esbuild, Vite]
architecture: [
"design system pattern",
companies: "JD7",
Inventory, CRM, ERP, BPM, RRHH, Accounting, Website, Stocktaking, LandingPage, Support
challenge: "I am focused on react, loopback4 on typescript now"
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)
⭐️ From @mqJose