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Pepesan a.k.a Penjawab Pesan (Message Responder) is a simple and reliable JavaScript library to create a chat bot for WhatsApp, support for message pattern, routing, controller, and middleware similar to common REST API development framework such as Laravel.

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> npm i --save pepesan

or directly install from the repository to get the latest beta version

> npm i --save github:mqad21/pepesan


# Initialization


const Pepesan = require("pepesan");
const router = require("./router");
(async () => {
    const pepesan = Pepesan.init(router)
    await pepesan.connect()

You can add some configurations in second parameter.


const Pepesan = require("pepesan");
const router = require("./router");

(async () => {
    const config = {
        browserName: 'My first chat bot',
        sessionPath: './example/session',
        allowedNumbers: ['6281234567890', '6289876543210'],
        db: {
            path: './example/data.sqlite',
            username: 'mqad21',
            password: '4dm!n'
    const pepesan = Pepesan.init(router, config)
    await pepesan.connect()

# Define a Router

Router is an instance of Router class. Here you define some rules for bot replies.


const { Router, Response } = require("pepesan")
const BotController = require("./BotController")

const router = new Router()

 * If user send "ping",
 * bot will reply "pong".
router.keyword("ping", () => {
    return "pong"

 * If user send "ping 3 times",
 * method pingManyTimes in BotController will be called
 * and "3" will be passed as parameter.
router.keyword("ping {n} times", [BotController, 'pingManyTimes'])

 * If user send "get my number"
 * and the state is equal to "loggedIn",
 * method getMyNumber in BotController will be called.
router.state("loggedIn").group(() => {
    router.keyword("get my number", [BotController, 'getMyNumber'])

 * If user send "buy"
 * or user click a button with value "buy"
 * and AuthMiddleware function return true,
 * method buy in BotController will be called.
router.middleware(AuthMiddleware).group(() => {
    router.keyword("buy", [BotController, 'buy'])
    router.button("buy", [BotController, 'buy'])

module.exports = router

# Define a Controller

Controller is a class that extends Controller class.


const { Controller, Response } = require("pepesan")

module.exports = class BotController extends Controller {

     * Bot will reply "pong" n times.
    pingManyTimes(request, n) {
        return Array(Number(n)).fill("pong") // ["pong", "pong", ..., "pong"] n times

     * Bot will reply "Wait for a while..."
     * then bot will reply an image
     * after it has been received from server.
    async pingWithImage() {
        await this.reply(Response.text.fromString("Wait for a while..."))
        const image = await getImageFromServer()
        return Response.image.fromBuffer(image)

     * Bot will reply user WhatsApp number.
    getMyNumber(request) {
        return request.number

     * Bot will reply button "yes" and "cancel"
     * with "Are you sure?" text.
    buy() {
        const buttons = ["yes", "cancel"]
        return Response.button.fromArrayOfString(buttons, "Are you sure?")


# Define a Middleware

Middleware is an async/sync function that return Boolean or Response.


const { Response } = require("pepesan")

module.exports = (request, next) => {

     * If user number is not equal to "6281234567890",
     * bot will reply "You are not allowed"
     * else bot will execute the routes below it.
    if (request.number !== "6281234567890") {
        return "You are not allowed"
    return next()



# Configuration

    printQRInTerminal: boolean // default: true
    sessionPath: string, // default: "./session"
    browserName: string, // default: "Pepesan"
    allowedNumbers: string[],
    blockedNumbers: string[],
    onOpen: (state: Partial<ConnectionState>) => void
    onClose: (state: Partial<ConnectionState>) => void
    onReconnect: (state: Partial<ConnectionState>) => void
    onQR: (state: Partial<ConnectionState>) => void,
    onMessage: (message: WAMessage) => Promise<void>,
    db: {
        name: string,
        user: string,
        pass: string,
        path: string // default: "data.sqlite"
  • printQRInTerminal: indicates whether or not the QR code should be print in terminal.
  • sessionPath: folder path to save session files.
    e.g. "/mysession"
  • browserName: name that display in the device list of your WhatsApp app.
  • allowedNumbers: list of number you allowed for using bot. Let in null or undefined if you want to allow all numbers.
    e.g. ["6281234567890", "6289876543210"]
  • blockedNumbers: list of number you blocked for using bot. Let in null or undefined if you want to allow all numbers.
    e.g. ["6281234567890", "6289876543210"]
  • onOpen: a callback function when WhatsApp connection opened.
  • onClose: a callback function when WhatsApp connection closed.
  • onClose: a callback function when WhatsApp connection needs to reconnect.
  • onQR: a callback function when WhatsApp QR code received.
  • onMessage: a callback function when a new message received.
  • db: configurations for your SQLite database.
    • name: Database name.
    • user: Database username.
    • pass: Database password.
    • path: Path to your ".sqlite" file.
      e.g. "/data.sqlite"'

# Router

1. Keyword Route

Keyword route handles user's message, media caption, or button response text that match the route pattern.

router.keyword("hello", ...) // only match to "hello" text.
router.keyword("hello*", ...) // match to all texts start with "hello".
router.keyword("(hello|hi)", ...) // only match to "hello" or "hi" text.
router.keyword("hello {name}", ...) // match to "hello muhammad", "hello qadri", etc.

2. State Route

State route handles user's state that match with the route pattern.

router.state("idle", ...) // only match to "idle" state.
router.state("idle*", ...) // match to all states start with "idle".
router.state("(idle|active)", ...) // only match to "idle" or "active" state.
router.state("active {time}", ...) // match to "active today", "active tonight", etc.

3. Middleware Route

Middleware route handles all user's message if only middleware function return true.

router.middleware(AuthMiddleware, ...) // if AuthMiddleware return true, the callback will be called.
router.middleware([AuthMiddleware, param1, param2, ...], ...) // Middleware also can receive parameters.

4. Button Route

Button route handles text or value of button clicked by user that match with the route pattern.

router.button("buy", ...) // only match to "buy" button text or value.
router.button("buy*", ...) // match to all button values or texts that start with "buy".
router.button("(buy|cancel)", ...) // only match to "buy" or "cancel" button text or value.
router.button("buy {product}", ...) // match to "buy iphone", "buy macbook", etc.

5. Grouping Route

Route can also be grouped if the callback or the second parameter is not set.

router.middleware([AuthMiddleware, 'change settings']).group(() => {
    // Code block below is only executed if AuthMiddleware function returns true.
    router.keyword("Change payment to (cash|transfer)", [PaymentController, 'changePayment'])
    router.button("Change profile", [ProfileController, 'changeProfile'])

router.state("loggedIn").group(() => {
    // Code block below is only executed if user state equals to "loggedIn".
    router.keyword("View my balance", [BalanceController, 'viewBalance'])
    router.button("View my profile", [ProfileController, 'viewProfile'])

# Controller

1. Own method

  • Controller method can be an async/sync function.

  • The first parameter is Request object and the rest is route parameter.

  • The return value is the response message of bot. It can be string or Response object.

  • If you want the bot respond more than one message, you can make the return value as Array.


    introduction(request, firstName, lastName) {
        return `Hello ${firstName} ${lastName}`
    pingTwoTimes(request) {
        return ["Ping 1", "Ping 2"]
    async downloadYoutube(request) {
        const url = request.text
        const youtube = await download(url)
        return [

2. reply(response)

  • The reply method is used to reply to the user's message.

  • The parameter can be string, Response, Array of string, Array of Response, or Array of Response or string.


    async convertToMp3(request) {
        await this.reply("Please wait...")
        await this.reply(Response.image.fromURL("..."))
        const url = request.text
        const mp3 = await toMp3(url)

3. send(number, response)

  • The send method is used to send message to the another user.

  • The first parameter is recipient WhatsApp number.

  • The second parameter can be string, Response, Array of string, Array of Response, or Array of Response or string.


    async sendConfirm(request) {
        const message = request.text
        await this.send("6289876543210", [
        return "Confirmed"

4. getMedia()

  • The getMedia method is used to get any media sent by user.

  • The return of this method is Promise<Buffer>


    async uploadReceipt(request) {
        const receipt = await this.getMedia()
        await this.send("6289876543210", Response.image.fromBuffer(receipt))
        return "Uploaded"

5. setState(state)

  • The setState method is used to set current user state.

  • The parameter is state string.


    async login(request) {
        const key = request.text
        const isAllowed = await checkKey(key)
        if (isAllowed) {
            await this.setState("loggedIn")
            return "You are logged in"
        return "Invalid key"

6. deleteState()

  • The deleteState method is used to delete the current user state.


    async logout(request) {
        await this.deleteState()
        return "Logged out"

# Request

Request is an object that contains information from the user's message.

    id: '3EB00744EB342283C522', // Message ID
    key: ..., // Message key object
    text: "Hello", // Message text or caption
    button: ..., // { text: "Button text", value: "Button value or ID" }
    jid: "", // User's JID
    number: "6281234567890", // User's WhatsApp number
    name: "Muhammad Qadri", // User's name
    state: "MyState", // Current user's state
    stateObject: ..., // User's state object
    type: ..., // 'image' | 'video' | 'document' | 'sticker'
    message: ..., // Message object
    document: ..., // Document message object
    image: ..., // Video message object
    sticker: ..., // Sticker message object
    contact: ..., // Contact message object
    route: ... // Current route object 

# Response

1. Text Response

Response.text.fromString("Assalamu'alaikum brother")

Text response example

2. Image Response

Response.image.fromBuffer(imageBuffer, "caption")
Response.image.fromURL("", "caption")

Image response example

3. Video Response, "caption"), "caption")"", "caption")

Video response example

4. Audio Response"")

Audio response example

5. Sticker Response


Sticker response example

6. Button Response

Response.button.fromArrayOfString(["yes", "cancel"], "Content", "Footer")
Response.button.fromArrayOfObject([{text: "yes", value: "1"}, {text:"no", value: "0"}], "Content", "Footer")

Button response example

# Middleware

  • Middleware is an async/sync function that return Boolean or Response value

  • The first parameter is Request object.

  • The second parameter is next function.

  • The rest is route parameter.


    (request, next, action) => {
        if (request.number !== "6281234567890") {
            let errorMessage = "You are not allowed"
            if (action) errorMessage += ` to ${action}`
            return errorMessage
        return next()

# Global Variable

1. sock

Access to WASocket object anywhere after initiate the Pepesan class.

2. db

Access to Database object anywhere after initiate the Pepesan class.


Simple automatic WhatsApp message responder






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