This is in an early stage: It has only been tested with a single demo site and misses some features.
A piece of glue code that runs Hugo for serving previews for CMS systems.
It uses a git client to get access to assets/layouts of the site and compiles pages based on content passed in via HTTP.
There is a demo setup at:
Log in via GitHub and select any entry from the "Posts" collection to see it in action.
- Uses GitHub as a virtual filesystem to get layouts
- Renders pages on-demand, taking
- Supports partial re-renders (just like
hugo server
) - Supports extended mode
- Build & package a solid integration for NetlifyCMS
- Support custom source branches (only default right now)
- Provide tooling for easy usage (e.g.
npx hugo-preview-server setup:function ./functions
) - Run as a standalone http server process (for use in docker)
There is a binary available that can be deployed to AWS Lambda or any compatible platforms like Netlify Functions.
Use this command in your build to get the latest release:
curl -L -s -o <destination>
# Example for Netlify Functions
mkdir -p functions
curl -L -s -o functions/preview
chmod +x functions/preview
See this Netlify.toml
for an example.
In the future there will be tooling that will make this even easier.
The functions needs the following environment variables:
HUGO_PREVIEW_GITHUB_REPO=owner/repo # path to the repo where your hugo site is located
HUGO_PREVIEW_GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> # a personal or oauth token that allows read access to the repo
HUGO_PREVIEW_BASE=<path> # optional, use when your hugo site is not based in the repo root
- Docker
While developing, use the one of the make commands to get a binary:
make build
- if you are on linuxmake in-docker
- any other system
Put your config vars into env.json
, like this:
"PreviewFunction": {
Run this to start the local API gateway:
sam local start-api --env-vars env.json
This is how the API request should look like:
"path": "content/",
"data": {
"body": "markdown body",
"title": "title frontmatter field",
"other": "frontmatter"
See LICENSE file