This project is inspired on Eventbrite and it's meant to practice associations using different foreign keys and class names to identify tables (Users and Events), through a has-many-trough reelation where an intermediate table is needed. The goal is to list all events created with their user attendees, displaying the info on past and upcomming events.
What was built in this project
Created User, Event and Event_arttende models.
Created validations.
Stabilised relationships between tables using has-many-trhough relation.
Display past and upcomming events with their user attendees.
Font awesome.
Action Text.
Ruby 2.7.2
Ruby on Rails 6.1.1
VS code
Linters (RuboCop)
Text Editor (VSCode is suggested.), Ruby Rails Bundler, Yarn, SQL
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps:
On the project, GitHub page, navigate to the main page of the repository this page
Click on a green button named
Copy the project URL as displayed
If you're running Windows Operating System, open your command prompt. On Linux, Open your terminal
Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made. Leave as it is if the current location is where you want the project to be.
git clone
, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.$ git clone
Press Enter key -
Your local copy will be created.
Please note that you must have Git installed on your PC, this can be done here
After you get the project aiming to the desired directory, you need now to install ruby globally
for that, in your terminal run
bundle install
to install the project's dependencies. -
to install all the dependencies. -
yarn add jquery popper.js bootstrap
so you can have the representations of tables in your project. -
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
so you can have the representations of test tables in your project. -
to run the test cases. -
rails c
in order to interact with your terminal app.
👤 Marco Parra
- GitHub: @mrigorir
- Twitter: @marcoparra311
- LinkedIn: @marco-alonso-parra
👤 Nikos Pountzas
- GitHub: pountzas
- Twitter: @pountzas20
- LinkedIn: Nikos Pountzas
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is inspired on Eventbrite
This project is MIT licensed.