A professional spare-time research project I started for my interest, challenge and experience - experimenting with auto-encoders, GANs, etc. to transfer gestures and maybe even voice between source and target videos.
(last update: 2019/10/15)
(100%) developing a script to extract frames from a video.
(100%) developing a simple auto-encoder for images (see notebook).
(10%) developing a variational auto-encoder for images.
(10%) developing a GAN for images.
(0%) developing a visual DeepFake with crossed auto-encoders sharing the same encoder.
(0%) developing a visual DeepFake with crossed GAN-based auto-encoders.
(0%) developing a script to extract voice from a video.
(0%) developing a simple auto-encoder for voice.
(0%) developing a voice DeepFake with crossed auto-encoders sharing the same encoder.
(0%) combining everything, creating a complete DeepFake video.
I would be glad for any comment, question or discussion! You can contact me privately at mr.katouei@gmail.com