Common components for using mybatis in light-4j framework. It provides generate mybatis session management and multiple transactions support.
With light4j-mybatis, user can select use normal mybatis query/mapping config or simple add the query/mapping config to light-4j style yaml config file (mybatis.yml or values.yml).
There three solution for the light4j integration:
- Define Repository class and extend the SimpleBaseRepository class (Please refer the sample and test cases in the test package)
- com.networknt.db.GenericDataSource:
- com.networknt.db.H2DataSource:
- java.lang.String: H2DataSource
- com.mservicetech.campsite.repository.CampsiteRepository:
- com.mservicetech.campsite.repository.CampsiteRepositoryImpl
- Using StartupHookProvider:
- com.networknt.server.StartupHookProvider:
- com.mservicetech.mybatis.startup.MybatisStartupHookProvider
The MybatisStartupHookProvider will initial the SqlSessionFactory at service startup time, and it can be use in the DAO/Service class directly (MybatisStartupHookProvider.sqlSessionFactory)
- Using MybatisSessionManager by extend BaseRepository class:
define the MybatisSessionManager in the service.yml (or values.yml)
- com.mservicetech.mybatis.MybatisSessionManager:
- com.mservicetech.mybatis.MybatisSessionManagerImpl
- com.mservicetech.campsite.repository.CampsiteRepository:
- com.mservicetech.campsite.repository.CampsiteRepositoryImpl
- Using SqlSessionFactoryBean
SqlSessionFactoryBean is similar as Spring-Mybatis SqlSessionFactoryBean class. It has full setting for the Mybatis.
Config file mybatis.yml defines config values for model package and mapper package:
mybatis.registerAliases: com.mservicetech.campsite.model
mybatis.mapperPackage: com.mservicetech.campsite.mapper
@Insert("INSERT INTO CLIENT (FULL_NAME, EMAIL) VALUES (#{name}, #{email})")
@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyColumn = "id")
int insertClient(Client client);
Client selectClientByEmail(String email);
User can use light4j yaml config file (mybatis.yml or values.yml) to config the query/result mapping, for example:
clientResult: |
<resultMap type="Client" trim="true">
<id property="id" column="ID"/>
<result property="email" column="EMAIL"/>
<result property="name" column="NAME"/>
reservationResult: |
<resultMap type="Reservation">
<id property="id" column="ID"/>
<association property="client" column="client_id" javaType="Client" select="selectClientById">
<result property="arrival" column="arrival_date"/>
<result property="departure" column="departure_date"/>
updateReservation: UPDATE reservation SET arrival_date=@{arrival}, departure_date='@{departure}' WHERE id = '@{id}'
deleteReservation: UPDATE reservation SET status='Inactive' WHERE id = '@{reservationId}'
selectReservation: SELECT id, client_id, arrival_date, departure_date FROM reservation WHERE id = '@{id}' and status = 'Active'
insertReservation: INSERT INTO reservation(id, client_id, arrival_date, departure_date) VALUES ('@{id}', @{CLIENT_id}, '@{arrivalDate}', '@{departureDate}')
deleteReservedDates: |
DELETE FROM reserved WHERE reserved_date IN
<foreach collection="items" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">'@{item}'></foreach>
verifyReserveDates: |
SELECT reserved_date FROM reserved WHERE reserved_date IN
<foreach collection="items" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">'@{item}'></foreach>
For the detail, please refer the code in the test package.