- Coded by: Mohammad Shams
- Website: http://www.mshams.ir
- Contact me: info[at]mshams.ir
- java -jar Gbid.jar -f input.txt --size larger:vga --domain www.mshams.ir --color specific:red
- java -jar Gbid.jar -f input.txt --size large --type photo -n 15 -v
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "action script" --size large --domain www.mshams.ir
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "white lion" --size small --ext png --type photo --color transparent
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "beauty girl" --type face --color specific:white -v -n 5
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "beauty girl" --type face --color specific:black -v -n 30 --aspect tall --size medium --rights reuse
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "captcha" -v -n 40 -t 8 --size small --ext png
- java -jar Gbid.jar -p "logo linux" -v -n 40 --size small --ext png --color transparent
Usage:[-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] [-?] [(-p|--phrase) ] [(-f|--file) ] [(-t|--thread) ] [(-n|--num) ] [(-d|--domain) ] [--type ] [--ext ] [--aspect ] [--rights ] [--size size:option ] [--color color:option ]
Set verbose mode for output.
Show help screen.
Show help screen.
Double qouted search phrase. Ex: -p "White lion"
Input file name.
Maximum working threads. (default: 3)
Number of results. (default: 10)
Define search domain. Ex: -d www.mshams.ir
Define image type, possible values are:[face, clipart, lineart, photo,
Ex: --type face
Define image file extension, possible values are:[jpg, ico, bmp, svg,
gif, png, webp].
Ex: --ext bmp
Define image aspect ratio, possible values are:[square, wide,
panoramic, tall].
Ex: --aspect tall
Define image copyrights, possible values are:[reuse, com_reuse_modify,
reuse_modify, com_reuse].
Ex: --rights com_reuse
Define image size, possible values are:[small, larger, large, icon,
medium, exactly].
Ex: --size medium
For larger mode there are other options:[qsvga, 70mp, 40mp, svga, 15mp,
vga, xga, 12mp, 2mp, 10mp, 20mp, 4mp, 6mp, 8mp]
Ex: --size larger:qsvga
For exactly mode weigth and heigth needed
Ex: --size exactly:640,480
Define image coloe, possible values are:[color, nocolor, specific,
Ex: --color transparent
For specific mode there are other options:[orange, red, pink, gray,
green, blue, white, black, yellow, purple, teal, brown]
Ex: --color specific:green