This is an electron-based wrapper around the shiny pointR package. This wrapper provides
- a standardize graphical interface (removin the depencency upon the users browser)
- enhancement of pointR by providing a mechanism to debug custom build shiny input controls within pointR.
- A mostly seamless installation for both linux and mac
Binary packages are available.
On the initial startup the following will occur
- Checks for Rscript (or Rscript.exe). If not found, prompt user to locate via a file-open-dialog box, and saves for future sessions.
- Checks to see all if R-packages needed for the pointR app are currently available.
- shiny, tidyverse, pointR, ...
- If the user agrees, the needed R-packages are installed.
- Starts the pointR shiny app.
- I have supplie a windows installer, but I do not have access to windows so it is untested.
- I currently cannot provide certificates and will need to purchase them in order to provide a better installition process.
- If building from scratch, be sure to the icon permissions are set to 0644 (sudo chmod 0644)