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ASGI Python Frameworks load testing

Updated: 2022-12-23

benchmarks tests

We aim to create a tool for technical decision-making.

This is a benchmark for modern ASGI micro-frameworks. Designed to be not one more "Hello world" benchmark, but cover some real-like scenarios instead. Doesn't provide composite scoring, drills down instead.

To be data source agnostic (API, DB, etc.) framework provides thread-safe async dummy pool with configurable size and data retrieving latency. Because of our target is benchmark web-frameworks itself, this feature by default configured with default pool size 10 and latency 1ms (emulates very fast data source, like Redis.)

Through polls, we have found out that AVG mature service contains ~30 endpoints. So during a time, routing performance can drop. We cover this by adding 30 more dynamic endpoints with different methods. These endpoints are just present for routing cycle load.

This benchmark doesn't provide load tests for different ASGI servers. All tests (except AioHTTP) runs on the Uvicorn.

Doesn't contain benchmarks for OAuth 2.0/OIDC/JWT features. This is because we pretty sure that these features should be a part of API-Gateway and not in end service itself.

Further development implies adding scenarios from different domains. For now, it is only issue tracker as example

Table of contents

The Methodic

The benchmark runs as a Github Action. According to the github documentation the hardware specification for the runs is:

  • 2-core vCPU (Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL (Cascade Lake), Intel® Xeon® 8171M 2.1GHz (Skylake))
  • 7 GB of RAM memory
  • 14 GB of SSD disk space
  • OS Ubuntu 20.04

ASGI apps are running from docker using the gunicorn/uvicorn command:

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b app:app

Applications' source code can be found here.

Results received with WRK utility using the params:

wrk -d15s -t4 -c32 [URL]

The "Issue tracker" suite has a four kind of tests:

  • getting user information
  • create task
  • update task
  • board with short information with 100 issues on it

You can find test data here.

The Results (2022-12-23)

JSON response without schema

User info (GET)

Get user information and return using direct serialisation from Python primitives to JSON.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-raw 0.3.0 3452 17.78 20.31 18.63
blacksheep-raw 1.2.8 3277 18.28 21.80 19.57
muffin-raw 0.87.3 3070 19.11 24.03 20.87
baize-raw 0.18.2 2874 21.06 25.28 22.26
emmett-raw 2.4.12 2790 21.23 26.39 22.98
falcon-raw 3.1.0 2646 22.80 27.78 24.22
starlette-raw 0.21.0 2507 24.34 29.87 25.49
sanic-raw 22.9.1 2184 28.23 33.62 29.33
aiohttp-raw 3.8.3 1626 39.41 41.93 39.47
fastapi-raw 0.88.0 1444 43.17 50.23 44.27
quart-raw 0.18.3 1265 48.17 55.04 50.49

Sprint issues (GET)

Get sprint tickets overview and return using direct serialisation from Python primitives to JSON.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-raw 0.3.0 2015 29.81 34.82 31.76
muffin-raw 0.87.3 1613 37.35 44.84 39.61
emmett-raw 2.4.12 1408 41.61 51.62 45.38
blacksheep-raw 1.2.8 1329 44.49 55.41 48.11
baize-raw 0.18.2 1213 50.95 58.30 52.66
starlette-raw 0.21.0 1208 49.17 61.78 53.01
falcon-raw 3.1.0 1144 52.44 63.58 55.79
sanic-raw 22.9.1 1122 52.34 64.31 57.11
aiohttp-raw 3.8.3 974 65.66 68.36 65.56
quart-raw 0.18.3 836 74.46 83.64 76.36
fastapi-raw 0.88.0 163 380.03 419.94 388.69

Create task (POST)

Create task object using default payload and return created object using direct serialisation from Python primitives to JSON.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
muffin-raw 0.87.3 2619 23.15 28.44 24.38
falcon-raw 3.1.0 2420 25.18 30.72 26.40
squall-raw 0.3.0 2383 25.45 30.80 26.87
blacksheep-raw 1.2.8 2360 25.75 31.33 27.10
starlette-raw 0.21.0 2266 27.73 32.36 28.17
baize-raw 0.18.2 2127 29.95 31.26 30.05
emmett-raw 2.4.12 1985 30.44 36.84 32.48
sanic-raw 22.9.1 1952 31.61 37.43 32.77
quart-raw 0.18.3 1218 51.15 56.30 52.43
aiohttp-raw 3.8.3 1170 54.28 56.19 54.57
fastapi-raw 0.88.0 1125 56.18 64.09 56.81

Update task (PUT)

Update task object using default payload.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-raw 0.3.0 2932 20.52 24.58 21.82
falcon-raw 3.1.0 2882 20.87 24.86 22.16
blacksheep-raw 1.2.8 2723 21.64 27.25 23.48
muffin-raw 0.87.3 2717 21.93 27.17 23.51
baize-raw 0.18.2 2455 25.78 27.16 26.03
emmett-raw 2.4.12 2312 25.86 31.99 27.81
starlette-raw 0.21.0 2139 28.98 34.71 29.87
sanic-raw 22.9.1 1926 31.64 38.10 33.17
quart-raw 0.18.3 1338 46.29 53.68 47.74
aiohttp-raw 3.8.3 1276 50.06 52.35 50.12
fastapi-raw 0.88.0 1240 49.52 59.69 51.55

JSON response using schema

User info (GET)

Get user information and return using dataclasses, no extra validation.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-dataclasses 0.3.0 2847 20.85 26.05 22.49
blacksheep-dataclasses 1.2.8 2167 28.67 33.80 29.46
fastapi-dataclasses 0.88.0 1208 51.41 60.98 52.88

Sprint issues (GET)

Get sprint tickets overview and return using dataclasses, no extra validation.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-dataclasses 0.3.0 992 60.53 74.10 64.40
blacksheep-dataclasses 1.2.8 106 558.72 700.65 593.48
fastapi-dataclasses 0.88.0 73 788.09 917.51 844.82

Create task (POST)

Create task object using default payload and return created object using dataclasses, no extra validation.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-dataclasses 0.3.0 2365 26.29 31.16 27.00
blacksheep-dataclasses 1.2.8 914 70.06 79.26 69.85
fastapi-dataclasses 0.88.0 629 102.62 115.72 101.41

Update task (PUT)

Update task object using default payload, no extra validation.

Sorted by max req/s

Framework Requests/sec Latency 50% (ms) Latency 75% (ms) Latency Avg (ms)
squall-dataclasses 0.3.0 2766 22.07 26.44 23.09
blacksheep-dataclasses 1.2.8 1934 31.92 37.81 33.04
fastapi-dataclasses 0.88.0 1418 43.69 51.94 45.04


Nothing here, just some measures for you.


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