is a set of computational tools developed for processing sequencing data from mt-STAMP (sequencing by targeted amplification of multiplex probes) which is a labor- and cost-effective sequencing method designed for assessing human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variations, including mtDNA homoplasmies, mtDNA heteroplasmies and mtDNA content, in large-scale population studies.
The paper of mt-STAMP has been published in NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics [1]. If you have questions about mt-STAMP, please contact Zhenglong Gu (at Cornell University) for details.
If you have questions about stamp
and related tools in this repository, please contact Yiqin Wang.
- Install and set up prerequisites
- Lists of stamp arguments
- Examples of stamp
- Other tools
- Updates
- References
- Licensing
At the root of your project, use git clone
to download the current stamp
git clone
relies on bwa-mem [2] and bamleftalign from freebayes [3] for aligning paired-end reads, and samtools [4] for processing alignment files and summarizing base information. So you need to have access to the executables of these tools to run stamp
uses the reference human genome containing both nuclear DNA (genome assembly GRCh38) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; the Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence, rCRS) sequences for read alignment. You can download the file containing the reference human genome sequence (GRCh38 plus rCRS and other sequences) and the pre-built index files from the ftp site of the 1000 Genomes project.
cd stamp
cd refseq
also aligns paired-end reads to a revised rCRS with the final 120bp copied to the start to accommodate alignment of reads in the D-loop region of the circular mtDNA sequence. This revised rCRS and its pre-built index files are provided in the folder refseq.
Once download is complete, use stamp init
to check the availability of necessary python packages and set the default values for a number of commonly used arguments in stamp
python init \
--bwa $HOME/bin/bwa \
--samtools $HOME/bin/samtools \
--bamleftalign $HOME/bin/bamleftalign \
--picard "java -jar $HOME/bin/picard.jar"\
--probe $PWD/refseq/stamp_el_probe.txt \
--genome $PWD/refseq/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa \
--mtdna $PWD/refseq/rCRS_chrM_16449-1-16569.fa \
--mtdna-offset 120
The default values of these arguments can also be manually edited in the argument file under the "tools" folder of your project.
#full path of the samtools executable
#full path of the bwa executable
#full path of the bamleftalign/freebayes executable
#full path of the picard executable
picard=java -jar /home/user/bin/picard.jar
#full path of the file containing the STAMP probe information
#full path of the complete reference genome sequences
#full path of the mtDNA reference sequence
#the position offset used in parsing mtDNA read alignments
There are four function modules designed for processing paired-end reads produced from mt-STAMP: algin
, pileup
, scan
, and annot
Two other modules were added to process paired-end reads generated by whole-genome sequencing: wgs-align
and wgs-depth
stamp@mito:~$ python -h
Usage: <command> [options]
Command: align generate the consensus read alignments
pileup summarize the consensus read bases
wgs-align generate mtDNA alignments (using whole-genome sequencing data)
wgs-depth summarize read coverage on nuclear DNA (using whole-genome sequencing data)
scan variant identification
annot variant annotation
Print out the list of arguments of each module by specifying the name of the module along with the "--help" or "-h" argument.
1. Print out all arguments of stamp align
You could find details of the arguments of algin
, pileup
, scan
, and annot
in the related examples as shown below.
stamp@mito:~$ python align -h
usage: stamp align [-options] sample
positional arguments:
sample sample name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-r1 R1 [R1 ...], --read1 R1 [R1 ...] fastq file(s) for read 1
-r2 R2 [R2 ...], --read2 R2 [R2 ...] fastq file(s) for read 2
-p PROBE, --probe PROBE the file with the probe information
-o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH path where to store the temporary alignment files
--consensus-outpath CONSENSUS_OUTPATH path where to store the consensus alignment files (default: outpath)
--override override output files (default: skip exiting output files)
--genome GENOME the complete genome reference
--mtdna MTDNA the mtDNA reference sequence
--mtdna-offset MTDNA_OFFSET the position offset used in parsing mtDNA read alignments
--numts NUMTS known nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (HSD file)
2. Print out all arguments of stamp pileup
stamp@mito:~$ python pileup --help
usage: stamp pileup [-options] sample
positional arguments:
sample sample name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
the consensus read alignment file(s) output from align
-p PROBE, --probe PROBE
the file with the probe information
-o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH path where to store the pileup file
-z, --gzip compress the pileup file with gzip
--mtdna MTDNA the mtDNA reference sequence
--mtdna-offset MTDNA_OFFSET the position offset used in parsing mtDNA read alignments
--fs-min FS_MIN the minimum read family size of consensus reads
--fs-max FS_MAX the maximum read family size of consensus reads
--nm-max NM_MAX the maximum number of mismatches of consensus reads compared to the major mtDNA sequence in the coding region
--nm-max-dloop NM_MAX_DLOOP the maximum number of mismatches of consensus reads compared to the major mtDNA sequence in the Dloop region
--tag-excl TAG_EXCL exclude consensus reads with the tags specified
--tag-incl TAG_INCL include consensus reads with the tags specified
--numts-excl NUMTS exclude reads from nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments specified by the HSD file
3. Print out all arguments of stamp scan
stamp@mito:~$ python scan --help
usage: stamp scan [-options] input output
positional arguments:
input a mpileup file or a batch file
output the prefix of output files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--mind MIN_DEPTH the minimum read depth to call variants
--mind-fwd MIN_DEPTH_FWD the minimum read depth on the forward strand to call variants
--mind-rev MIN_DEPTH_REV the minimum read depth on the reverse strand to call variants
--minh MIN_MINOR_DEPTH the minimum number of minor alleles to call heteroplasmies
--minh-fwd MIN_MINOR_DEPTH_FWD the minimum number of minor alleles on the forward strand to call heteroplasmies
--minh-rev MIN_MINOR_DEPTH_REV the minimum number of minor alleles on the reverse strand to call heteroplasmies
--min-het MIN_HET_FREQ the minimum minor allele fraction of heteroplasmies
--min-qual MIN_QUAL the minimum base quality
--max-qual MAX_QUAL the maximum base quality
--min-qual-rate MIN_QUAL_RATE the minimum proportion of bases passing the quality filter(s)
--mle use maximum likelihood estimation to compute variant quality for heteroplasmies
--family FAMILY family name
--sample SAMPLE [SAMPLE ...] sample columns to process in the mpileup file
--name NAME [NAME ...] the corresponding names of the samples to process
--batch proceed in the batch mode
--all-sites output information for all sites instead of only variant sites
4. Print out all arguments of stamp annot
stamp@mito:~$ python annot --help
usage: stamp annot [-options] input output
positional arguments:
input the variant file output from scan
output the prefix of output files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--exclude EXCLUDE exclude mtDNA sites from analysis
--remove REMOVE remove families from analysis
--keep KEEP keep only the families for analysis
--depth DEPTH the minimum read depth of all variants
--depth-min DEPTH_MIN the minimum read depth of heteroplasmies
--hq-min HQ_MIN the minimum rate of high-quality reads of heteroplasmies
--llr-min LLR_MIN the minimum quality score of heteroplasmies
--sbias-min SBIAS_MIN the minimum P value for strand bias analysis of heteroplasmies
--frac-min FRAC_MIN the minimum minor allele fraction of heteroplasmies
--dev-frac-min DEV_FRAC_MIN the minimum variant allele fraction of homoplasmies
--annotate ANNOTATE annotate variants according to the file specified
--output-ped output the variants detected to a ped file
--output-hsd output the major alleles to a hsd file
--output-minor-hsd output the minor alleles to a hsd file
5. Print out all arguments of stamp wgs-align
stamp wgs-align
follows a similar mapping strategy to that of stamp align
to identify reads from mtDNA. It first aligns reads to the complete human genome to identify reads from NUMTS and then maps reads to mtDNA. Note that stamp wgs-align
uses a different reference mtDNA sequence which has the final 150bp of the rCRS copied to the start (sequence files are provided under the folder refseq: refseq/rCRS_chrM_16419-1-16569.fa), instead of 120bp as used for stamp align
, given that the length of a read from whole-genome sequencing may exceed 120bp. stamp wgs-align
also summarizes base information and outputs a corresponding pileup file that can be read by stamp scan
stamp@mito:~$ python wgs-align --help
usage: stamp wgs-align [-options] [outpath]
positional arguments:
outpath specify the prefix of the output files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--fastq FASTQ_FILE [FASTQ_FILE ...] fastq files (in the format: name:R1:R2 ...)
--bam BAM_FILE [BAM_FILE ...] bam files (in the format: name:bam ...)
--genome GENOME specify the complete reference genome sequences
--mtdna MTDNA specify the mtDNA reference sequence
--mtdna-offset MTDNA_OFFSET specify the coordinate offset when parsing mtDNA alignments
--remap-genome re-map reads from bam files to the reference genome sequences
--remap-mtdna re-map reads from bam files to the mtDNA sequence
--recal enable BAQ re-calibration and indel re-alignment
--family FAMILY specify the family name of output sample(s)
--pileup convert bam file to pileup file
-q MAPQ_MIN, --mapq-min MAPQ_MIN minimum mapping quality
-Q QUAL_MIN, --qual-min QUAL_MIN minimum base alignment quality
-r, --realign-recal enable remap-genome, remap-mtdna, recal and pileup
-z, --gzip compress the resulting pileup file with gzip
-s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX name suffix of the resulting pileup file (family.suffix.type)
--override regenerate all files without checking file existence
6. Print out all arguments of stamp wgs-depth
stamp wgs-depth
computes sequencing depth on nuclear DNA in sliding windows of 100-kb with step size of 50-kb. The results can be used to estimate mtDNA content as two times the average ratio of read coverage between mtDNA and each of the 22 autosomal chromosomes.
usage: stamp wgs-depth [-options] [outprefix]
positional arguments:
input input bam/cram file
output output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--refseq REFSEQ, -r REFSEQ specify the reference genome sequences
--win-size WIN_SIZE specify the size of the sliding window (default:100kb)
--sliding-size SLIDING_SIZE specify the step size of the sliding window (default:50kb)
--min-sites MIN_SITES specify the minimum proportion of sites with read coverage allowed in a sliding window
--qual-filter QUAL_FILTER specify quality filters
--proper-pair only include unique reads that are properly paired
--chr-incl CHR_INCL specify chromosomes (default is all)
1. Alignment of paired-end reads using stamp align
Example: perform paired-end read alignment and call consensus reads for sample1
python align -r1 sample1.R1.fastq -r2 sample1.R2.fastq \
--genome GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa \
--mtdna rCRS_chrM_16449-1-16569.fa --mtdna-offset 120 \
--probe stamp_el_probe.txt --numts numts_sites_hg38.rCRS.hsd \
--outpath bam --consensus-outpath consensus.realign.recal/bam sample1
Important arguments:
- -r1, -r2: the R1 and R2 files containing paired-end reads;
stamp align
can read and combine multiple R1 and R2 files of a sample. - --genome: the complete human genome sequence in FASTA format with bwa index.
- --mtdna: the mtDNA sequence in FASTA format with bwa index.
- --mtdna-offset: the default offset in relation to the rCRS is 120bp.
- --numts: the file with a collection of known NUMTS sequences in the reference genome in HSD format (
- --probe: the file containing the EL probe information.
- --output: the output directory for the alignment files of the paired-end reads.
Output files:
- bam/sample1_R(1/2).fastq.gz: the fastq files with barcode and probe information trimmed and stored as an annotation in read description (i.e., XM:Z:1:barcode:probe1:probe2).
- consensus.realign.recal/bam/sample1.mtdna.sorted.realign.recal.bam: the alignment file of paired-end reads generated after base recalibration.
- consensus.realign.recal/bam/sample1.mtdna.consensus.bam: the alignment file of consensus reads. Consensus reads are output as single-end reads constructed from paired-end reads with the same barcode (read family). Read names are assigned using that of the first paired-end read in a read family. The number of paired-end reads and the barcode is recorded in the SAM TAGs "XF" and "XM" of the consensus read.
2. Post-alignment processing and base summarization using stamp pileup
Example: exclude consensus reads with excessive mismatches or NUMTS annotations
python pileup -a sample1.mtdna.consensus.bam \
--mtdna rCRS_chrM_16449-1-16569.fa --mtdna-offset 120 --probe stamp_el_probe.txt \
--numts-excl numts_sites_hg38.rCRS.hsd --nm-max 5 --nm-max-dloop 8 \
--tag-excl NUMTS,EXMISMATCH -o consensus.realign.recal/var sample1
Example: only retain consensus reads constructed from duplicate paired-end reads
python pileup -a sample1.mtdna.consensus.bam \
--mtdna rCRS_chrM_16449-1-16569.fa --mtdna-offset 120 --probe stamp_el_probe.txt \
--numts-excl numts_sites_hg38.rCRS.hsd --nm-max 5 --nm-max-dloop 8 --fs-min 2 \
--tag-excl NUMTS,EXMISMATCH -o consensus.realign.recal/var.f2 sample1
Important arguments:
- -a: the consensus read alignment file(s) that are output from align;
stamp pileup
can read and combine multiple alignment files of a sample. - -o: the file path where to store the pileup file.
- --mtdna: the mtDNA sequence in FASTA format with bwa index.
- --mtdna-offset: the default offset in relation to the rCRS is 120bp.
- --numts-excl: the file with a collection of NUMTS sequences in HSD format.
- --probe: the file containing the EL probe information.
- --tag-excl/--tag-incl: filter out or retain consensus reads using quality information in SAM TAG "XQ" Output file:
- consensus.realign.recal/var/sample1.mtdna.consensus.adj.pileup: the resulting pileup file, which is compressed if "-z" is turned on.
- consensus.realign.recal/var/sample1.coverage: a table recording consensus read coverage at each site. Data include: (1) chromosome; (2) position; (3) original position in the rCRS; (4) the reference allele; (5) total depth of consensus reads; (6) the number of reads with BAQ between 0 and 10; (7) the number of reads with BAQ between 10 and 20; (8) the number of reads with BAQ between 20 and 30; (9) the number of reads with BAQ between 30 and 40; (10) the number of reads with BAQ over 40; (11) total read number; (12) the relative distance to the nearest ligation probe; (13) the relative distance to the nearest extension probe; (14) location on the ligation probe starting from the 3' end; (15) location on the extension probe starting from the 3' end; (16) probe information.
3. mtDNA variant detection using stamp scan
Example: call mtDNA homoplasmies and heteroplasmies which have a minor allele fraction >=1% with at least 5 minor alleles and a total of 500 reads with BAQ>=30
python scan --name sample1 \
--mind 100 --mindh 500 --min-qual 30 --minh 5 --min-het 0.01 --mle \
consensus.realign.recal/var/sample1.mtdna.consensus.adj.pileup.gz consensus.realign.recal/var/sample1.q30
Important arguments:
- input: the input mpileup/pileup file; when "--batch" is turned on,
stamp scan
will read the arguments and the path of the pileup file from each line in the batch file provided. - --sample: indicates the order of the column(s) to process in the mpileup file.
- --name: the name(s) of the sample(s) in the mpileup file.
- --family: a family identifier of the sample(s).
Output file:
- consensus.realign.recal/var/sample1.q30.var: a text file (tab-separated) which contains information on the variants identified; it contains information for all mtDNA sites if "--all-sites" is turned on. Data include: (1) family id; (2) sample id; (3) chromosome; (4) position in the rCRS; (5) the reference allele (rCRS); (6) total depth of unique (consensus) reads; (7) depth of reads on the forward strand; (8) depth of reads on the reverse strand; (9) the major allele; (10-13) numbers of A, T, C and G on the forward strand passing quality filtering; (14-17) numbers of A, T, C and G on the reverse strand passing quality filtering; (18) binary status of heteroplasmy; (19) binary status of homoplasmy; (20) the minor allele; (21) minor allele fraction; (22) minor allele fraction computed using maximum likelihood estimation; (23) minor allele fraction log-likelihood ratio; (24-25) lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval of the minor allele fraction; (26) Fisher's exact test for the minor allele count; (27) strand difference in allele fractions (Fisher's exact test P value).
4. mtDNA variant annotation using stamp annot
Example: mtDNA variants for all samples
python annot --exclude low_quality_sites.txt --remove low_quality_samples.txt \
--frac-min 0.01 --output-ped --output-hsd \
--annotate refseq/mtDNA_mutation_all.annovar.tsv all.q30.var.combined all.q30.var
Important arguments:
- input: the var file from stamp scan, or the file obtained by merging multiple var files.
- --exclude; --remove; --keep: the text file containing a list of mtDNA sites or sample IDs to be excluded or included.
- --output-ped; --output-hsd; --output-hsd-minor: convert information in the var file to a ped or hsd file.
- --annotate: a text file with annotation information for mtDNA. An example is provided under the folder refseq.
Output files:
- all.q30.var.qc.annot: a text file (tab-separated) contains information on the variants passing all quality filters and the related mtDNA annotation. The status column in this file indicates the type of the variants: "homoplasmy", "heteroplasmy", and "possible heteroplasmy". "Possible heteroplasmy" indicates a variant which has VAF greater than the provided cutoff but does not pass other quality control filters.
- all.q30.var.qc.hsd: the hsd file recording the major allele information different from the reference mtDNA sequence.
- all.q30.var.qc.{tped/map/fam}: the plink files recording the major allele information different from the reference mtDNA sequence.
Several python or R scripts (only with limited comments now) used for processing results generated from stamp
are provided in the folder tools.
Some functionalities of these scripts will be incorporated into stamp
in the future.
1. Extract and combine alignment information in the ".summary" files output from stamp align
#bam/*.summary is a summary of the results of paired-end read demultiplexing,
#including the number of read pairs included (proper reads) and excluded (improper reads).
grep _reads bam/*.summary >consensus.realign.recal/all.reads.summary
#${align}/bam/*.summary contains information on read alignement and consensus read calling
#extract the lines with a "family_num" tag in the summary file \
#which recorde the number of paired-end reads and consensus reads from each probe of STAMP
grep family_num consensus.realign.recal/bam/*.summary \
#extract the lines with a "family_size" tag in the summary file \
#which record the number of paried-end reads used to construct consensus reads for each probe of STAMP
grep family_size consensus.realign.recal/bam/*.summary|grep DNA \
#combine information extracted above into a table with each row representing one sample and \
#each column representing one type of information extracted
python tools/ consensus.realign.recal/all >consensus.realign.recal/all.probe.combined
2. Extract site coverage information in the ".coverage" file output from stamp pileup
#summarize coverage of consensus reads for each probe of STAMP after quality filtering
python tools/ consensus.realign.recal/var/*.coverage \
#summarize coverage of only consensus reads created with duplicate paried-end reads\
#for each probe of STAMP after quality filtering
python tools/ ${batch}/${align}/var.f2/*.coverage \
3. Compare read depths and allele fractions at corresponding sites of two samples or in two ".var" files
#extract all possible mtDNA variants from the ".var" file output from `stamp scan`
#retain head information
head -n 1 consensus.realign.recal/var/*.q30.var | tail -n 1 \
#the 18th and 19th columns in the ".var" file record a binary variable indicating \
#whether a variant is detected (homoplasmy or heteroplasmy) before quality filtering
#combine information from all samples (all ".var" files under this folder)
gawk '$18 == 1 || $19 == 1 {print $0}' consensus.realign.recal/var/*.q30.var \
#extract information in corresponding samples and sites in ".var" files under the "var.f1" folder
#according to the variants recorded in all.q30.var.combined
python tools/ consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.var.combined \
consensus.realign.recal/var.f1 .f1.q23 consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.f1_q23.var.combined
#extract information in corresponding samples and sites in ".var" files under the "var.f2" folder
#according to the variants recorded in all.q30.var.combined
python tools/ consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.var.combined \
consensus.realign.recal/var.f2 .f2.q40 consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.f2_q40.var.combined
#compare allele fractions at corresponding sites in two ".var" files
#e.g., compare allele fractions between consensus reads constructed with and without duplications
#stored in the files under the "var.f2" folder and the "var.f1" folder respectively
#consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.f1andf2.var.combined can also be read by **`stamp annot`** for annotation
Rscript tools/summarize_variation_freq.R consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.var.combined \
consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.f1_q23.var.combined \
consensus.realign.recal/all.q30.f2_q40.var.combined \
- Aug. 11, 2021: Added modules to process paired-end reads generated from whole-genome sequencing.
- X. Guo, Y. Wang, R. Zhang, Z. Gu, STAMP: a multiplex sequencing method for simultaneous evaluation of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmies and content. NAR Genomics Bioinforma. 2, lqaa065 (2020).
- H. Li & R. Durbin, Fast and accurate long-read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform. Bioinformatics. 26, 589-95 (2010).
- E. Garrison & G. Marth, Haplotype-based variant detection from short-read sequencing. arXiv [preprint]. arXiv:1207.3907 (2012).
- H. Li, et al., The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics. 25, 2078-9 (2009).
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.