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  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction to JVM internals: stack, frame, operand stack
    • understand the concept of recursion
    • understand the difference between recursion and tail recursion
    • how recursion is handled by JVM (know the limits)
    • standard approaches to support JVM in handling recursion wise (trampoline, streams)

tail recursion

  • tail call (tail recursion) is a kind of goto dressed as a call
  • tail call happens when a function calls another as its last action, so it has nothing else to do
  • for instance, in the following code, the call to g is a tail call:
    function f(x)
      return g(x)
    • in such situations, the program does not need to return to the calling function when the called function ends
  • after the tail call, the program does not need to keep any information about the calling function in the stack

stack frames

  • recursive algorithms are often restricted by a physical limit: the maximum stack height (StackOverflowException)
  • stack frames: recursive call vs tail-recursive call (of factorial function)
    static long withRecur(int n) {
        if (n == 1) {
            return 1;
        return n * withRecur(n - 1);
    public static long withTailRecur(int n) {
        return withTailRecur(n, 1);
    private static long withTailRecur(int n, long result) {
        if (n == 1) {
            return result;
        return withTailRecur(n - 1, n * result);
    • recursive call
      init-call: factorial(3)
      // 3 * factorial(2)
      // 2 * factorial(1)
      // 1
      and then traverse stack in opposite direction
      1 * 2 = 2
      3 * 2 = 6
    • tail-recursive call (reusing same frame, but only with trampoline - JVM is not wise!)
      init-call: factorial(3)
      factorialTailRecursive(3, 1) -> factorialTailRecursive(2, 3) -> factorialTailRecursive(1, 6) -> 6 


  • mechanism that converts recurrent calls to the stream of consecutive function invocations until some function could return value
    Stream.iterate(this, nextInvocation)
  • groovy
    • using Closure and its trampoline capability
      public Closure<V> trampoline(final Object... args) {
          return new TrampolineClosure<V>(this.curry(args));
    • closures are wrapped in a TrampolineClosure
    • upon calling, a trampolined Closure will call the original Closure waiting for its result
    • if the outcome of the call is another instance of a TrampolineClosure, created perhaps as a result to a call to the trampoline() method, the Closure will again be invoked
    • repetitive invocation of returned trampolined Closures instances will continue until a value other than a trampolined Closure is returned
    • that value will become the final result of the trampoline
    • so calls are made serially, rather than filling the stack
  • java
    • we have to implement that functionality - simple functional interface