Git & GitHub ~ Resources 👉 Using Easy English language
In this Repo we are learning the basics of Git & GitHub, how it works, etc.
💼 Pull requests help you collaborate with me issues and pull requests :)
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In this Repo we are learning the basics of Git & GitHub, how it works, etc.
Git is a free, open-source version control software. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. This tool is a version control system that was initially developed to work with several developers on the Linux kernel.
If we want to start using Git, we need to know where to host our repositories.
A repository (or “Repo” for short) is a project that contains multiple files. In our case a repository will contain code-based files.
There are two ways you can host your repositories. One is online (on the cloud) and the second is offline (self-installed on your server).
There are three popular Git hosting services: GitHub (owned by Microsoft), GitLab (owned by GitLab) and BitBucket.
Git makes it easy to contribute to open source projects
☺️ -
Documentation 😍
Integration options
Track changes in your code across versions 🖥️
Showcase your work 😄
install Git and GitHub with apt-get
- sudo apt-get install git
verify that Git is installed correctly
- git --version
set a default username and email when you’re going to save your work.
- git config --global "MUKESH DANI"
- git config --global ""
We’ll work with GitHub projects in two ways.
1 👉 : Work on your project locally then create the repository on GitHub and push it to remote.
- git init
- initializes your directory to work with git and makes a local repository. .git folder is made
- git clone http_url This is done if we have an existing git repository.
git remote add origin http_url/ssh_url connect to central repo to push/pull pull means transferring the changes on the central repository to your local repository. push is the vice versa of pull.
git pull origin master Always first pull contents from the central repo before pushing so that you are updated with other team members’ work. Here, master means the master branch (in Git).
Now time To add a file to central Repository: First, your file is in your working directory, Move it to the staging area by typing:
git add -A (for all files and folders) To add all files only in the current directory
git add . To add all files only in the current directory
git status The first thing you need to do is to check the files you have modified.
git commit -a -m "message for commit" Now that we have added the files of our choice, we need to write a message to explain what we have done. This message may be useful later if we want to check the change history.
git push origin master -> pushes your files to github master branch
git push origin anyOtherBranch -> pushes any other branch to github.
git log ; to see all your commits
HEAD -> pointer to our latest commit.