This is a clone project of CodePen website. I have created this web page using React Hooks and TypeScript.
- JSX - build up layout and content of the application.
- CSS - for adding custom styling.
- React.js - to add functionalities throughout the application.
- Hooks used:
- useState hook
- useEffect hook
- Hooks used:
- TypeScript - to check for types and add functionalities throughout the application.
- Visual Studio Code - the code editor being used to build the project.
- Chrome DevTools - used heavily for debugging during development process.
- Git - the Git feature in VS Code was used for version control and push to github.
- Github - Github is used to store project's code remotely.
The project was developed using VS Code editor and its integrated version control feature to commit gits, which are then pushed to GitHub in order to store the codes remotely.
The project was deployed to Netlify
- Log in to GitHub and navigate to this project's repository: codepen-clone-react
- Just above the navigation menu of the repository (above the Settings button) locate the Fork button
- The original copy of the repository is now copied on your GitHub account which allows you to view and/or work on the codes without affecting the original work