- Project code (zip file)
- Schema SQL file
- ER Diagram
- Amazon EC2 and Apache Tomcat credentials (PEM file)
- List that apportions credit
- Admin credentials to application
- Project Checklist
- Project Video
endpoint: database-1.ctievvwhg6rk.ca-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com
port: 3306
username: cs336database
password: cs336database
username: cs336group30
password: cs336group30
- register customers
- login (for all customers, admin, customer reps)
- logout (for all customers, admin, customer reps)
- search for train schedules by origin, destination, date of travel (5 points)
- browse the resulting schedules (5 points)
- see all the stops a train will make, fare etc.
- sort by different criteria (by arrival time, departure time, fare) (5 points)
- a customer should be able to make a reservation for a specific route (round-trip/oneway) (5 points)
- get a discount in case of child/senior/disabled (2 points)
- cancel existing reservation (3 points)
- view current and past reservations with their details (separately). (5 points)
- Admin (create an admin account ahead of time)
- add, edit and delete information for a customer representative (9 points)
- obtain sales reports per month (3 points)
- produce a list of reservations: (5 points)
- by transit line
- by customer name
- produce a listing of revenue per: (5 points)
- transit line
- customer name
- best customer (4 points)
- best 5 most active transit lines (4 points)
- edit and delete information for train schedules (6 points)
- customers browse questions and answers (4 points)
- customers search questions by keywords (4 points)
- customers send a question to the customer service (3 points)
- reps reply to customer questions (3 points)
- produce a list of train schedules for a given station (as origin/destination) (5 points)
- produce a list of all customers who have reservations on a given transit line and date. (5 points)