There are for examples (scenario), each with a corresponding configuration file. Each requires some tools to be installed.
This requires GNU Gcov, Mart mutation tool and KLEE test generation tool to be installed. Muteria will enable test Generation with KLEE and coverage measurement with Gcov and mutation analysis with Mart. One may directly run from the following Docker image An interactive container may be started as following:
docker run -it --rm thierrytct/klee-semu bash
The analysis can be ran, using the configuration file ctrl/
, as following:
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang c run
This requires GNU Gcov, Mart mutation tool and SEMu mutant test generation tool to be installed. Muteria will enable test Generation with SEMu and coverage measurement with Gcov and mutation analysis with Mart.
One may directly run from the following Docker image An interactive container may be started as following:
docker run -it --rm thierrytct/klee-semu bash
The analysis can be ran, using the configuration file ctrl/
, as following:
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang c run
This requires GNU Gcov, Mart mutation tool and Shadow patch test generation tool to be installed. Muteria will enable test Generation with SEMu and coverage measurement with Gcov and mutation analysis with Mart.
One may directly run from the following Docker image, Which contains Shadow. The image is built from the repository An interactive container may be started as following:
docker run -it --rm thierrytct/cm bash
The analysis can be ran, using the configuration file ctrl/
, as following:
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang c run
This requires GNU Gcov, Mart mutation tool, SEMu mutant test generation tool and Shadow patch test generation tool to be installed. Muteria will enable test Generation with SEMu and coverage measurement with Gcov and mutation analysis with Mart.
One may directly run from the following Docker image, Which contains Shadow. The image is built from the repository An interactive container may be started as following:
docker run -it --rm thierrytct/cm bash
The analysis can be ran, using the configuration file ctrl/
, as following:
muteria --config ctrl/ --lang c run
- Add case where we have timeout and segmentation fault (for muteria testing purposes)
- Add a case where the program return a non 0 exit code (for chcking KLEE-REPLAY driver)