Here you can find various examples of how to use PyCO2SYS. More are on their way!
Additional PyCO2SYS documentation is available at
To see each example, click the corresponding "launch binder" button to get interactive Python code in your browser, or the "render nbviewer" button to see a non-interactive view of the completed notebook.
Start here for a basic introduction to using PyCO2SYS to solve the marine carbonate system with single values and arrays of values as inputs. This one also includes a brief explanation of how to run the code in these notebooks, in case you are not familiar with the format.
Calculate the sensitivity of DIC to pH and pCO2. Based on the original MATLAB example script CO2SYSExample1.m.
Converting conditions and pH scales. Based on the original MATLAB example script CO2SYSExample2.m.
Propagate uncertainties with PyCO2SYS.
If you've got an example of using PyCO2SYS that you'd like to share we'd love to add it here! Just make a fork of this repo and push your additions back here directly into the master branch. Please add a very brief summary of the example to the list above.