allows you to generate merge requests that can be used for release review and notification purposes.
The current implementation of this project is very opinionated but I am very open to make it more generic. It also only runs on GitLab Enterprise with a license >= starter/bronze.
# Trigger it from wherever you want, I personally have a manual CI job at the end of a dev branch which allow me to trigger
# dev -> master merge requests
gitlab-merger \
--log-level debug \
--gitlab-url \
--gitlab-token xxxx \
merge \
--source-ref foo \
--target-ref bar \
--project 'foo/bar' \
--slack-channel '#random' \
--slack-token 'xoxp-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx'
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:55+02:00] checking existing merge requests..
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:55+02:00] no open MR found, comparing refs..
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] found differences between refs commit-count=1
DEBU[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] Found current user ID: 1
DEBU[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] found existing snippet snippet-id=1
DEBU[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] loading content from snippet snippet-id=1
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] done matching committers in GitLab committer-count=1
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:56+02:00] found GitLab user gitlab-user-id=1
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:57+02:00] merge request created merge-request-id=1 merge-request-url=""
INFO[2020-06-09T16:47:57+02:00] notifying slack channel about the new MR slack-channel="#test"
DEBU[2020-06-09T16:47:57+02:00] exiting.. execution-duration=2.45031955s
Here is the MR you would get
And as I specified some Slack configuration, every contributor gets notified over the defined channel as well (this is optional):
Have a look onto the latest release page and pick your flavor.
~$ go get -u
~$ brew install mvisonneau/tap/gitlab-merger
~$ docker run -it --rm mvisonneau/gitlab-merger
~$ scoop bucket add
~$ scoop install gitlab-merger
For the following ones, you need to know which version you want to install, to fetch the latest available :
~$ export GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
# Binary (eg: linux/amd64)
~$ wget${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}/gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz
~$ tar zxvf gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
# DEB package (eg: linux/386)
~$ wget${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}/gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_386.deb
~$ dpkg -i gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_386.deb
# RPM package (eg: linux/arm64)
~$ wget${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}/gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_arm64.rpm
~$ rpm -ivh gitlab-merger_${GITLAB_MERGER_VERSION}_linux_arm64.rpm
~$ gitlab-merger
gitlab-merger - Automate your MR creation
gitlab-merger [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
merge refs together
refresh users list
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--log-level level log level (debug,info,warn,fatal,panic) (default: "info") [$GLM_LOG_LEVEL]
--log-format format log format (json,text) (default: "text") [$GLM_LOG_FORMAT]
--gitlab-url url url [$GLM_GITLAB_URL]
--gitlab-token token token [$GLM_GITLAB_TOKEN]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
In order to figure out which commit is being made by which GitLab user and get this data in a efficient fashion, we store this value into a snippet. It will be automatically created if it does not exists but you can manually refresh it using the following command
gitlab-merger refresh gitlab-users
In order to map out which GitLab users with Slack users, you can use the following command:
gitlab-merger refresh slack-users
It will store the mapping under the same snippet as the email/gitlab mappings
If you use docker, you can easily get started using :
~$ make dev-env
# You should then be able to use go commands to work onto the project, eg:
~docker$ make fmt
~docker$ gitlab-merger
This command will spin up a container with everything required in terms of golang dependencies to get started.
If you want to build and/or release your own version of gitlab-merger
, you need the following prerequisites :
~$ git clone && cd gitlab-merger
# Build the binaries locally
~$ make build
# Build the binaries and release them (you will need a GITHUB_TOKEN and to reconfigure .goreleaser.yml)
~$ make release
Contributions are more than welcome! Feel free to submit a PR.