#Instruction to install basemap and GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) library, the package (basemap-1.0.7.tar.gz) is already downloaded in the resource folder.
The below instructions come from:
Step 1: If numpy 1.0.0 or later, python 2.4 or later, matplotlib 1.0.0 are installed, go to step2, otherwise install them
Step 2: Untar the basemap-1.0.7.tar.gz file, and and cd to the basemap-1.0.7 directory
Step 3: If you already have GEOS library on your system, just set the environment variable GEOS_DIR to point to the location of libgeos_c and geos_c.h (if libgeos_c is in /usr/local/lib and geos_c.h is in /usr/local/include, set GEOS_DIR to /usr/local). Then go to next step. If you don’t have it, you can build it from the source code included with basemap by following these commands in the command line:
cd geos-3.3.3
export GEOS_DIR= /home/ds-ga-1007
#it is your home directory, I recommend this.
If any permission wrong happens, use sudo su to get the super user authority, or get # root authority
./configure --prefix=$GEOS_DIR